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All Things Arty / Re: custom spinnerella
« Last post by hime on Saturday 18 November 2023, 10:27 pm »
flutterina for spinny and she-ra for adora
Introductions & Welcomes / Re: Hello Everybody!
« Last post by hime on Monday 10 July 2023, 04:09 pm »
welcome to the group!1
General Toy Discussion / Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Last post by hime on Sunday 04 June 2023, 04:42 pm »
proooobably more then I should lol! but included are lol surprise/tweens,ssc,rainbow brite,pop,dora,disney and possibly other I collect figures and yu-gi-oh cards too.
Toy ID Help / Animal by 90’s
« Last post by felipeduarte on Wednesday 22 March 2023, 12:24 am »
This stuffed animal my aunt brought me from the USA around 1993. Due to the age of 30, he ended up losing one of his eyes. I was always curious to know his story or something like that. Has anyone know anything about this ?
Toy ID Help / Re: ID doll, used cold water to clean face and bum
« Last post by kiddy2468 on Monday 06 March 2023, 05:35 am »
I found this on eBay I don’t know if it is her or not.

Toy ID Help / Re: Unknown little "so soft" dragon or dinosaur to identify !
« Last post by vurren on Monday 06 March 2023, 12:57 am »
I don't know if this will help anything or not, but I just wanted to post that I did some research a bit ago to find the full loving heart dinosaur series after finding it while browsing ebay! it seems like all 3 (rock-o-saurs, baby saurs, and loving heart dinosaurs) all had the same four design, with different models obviously. no wonder it was so confusing!

https://web.archive.org/web/20220331161920/https://www.ebay.com/itm/274876033331 <- archive link

https://web.archive.org/web/20220331163046/https://www.ebay.com/itm/224783018051 <- archive link

here's the two that either didn't get a picture or who had a not-clear photo, archived for your viewing pleasure :]

(loving hearts compared to rock-o-saurs)

(loving hearts compared to baby saurs)

and heres direct comparisons i made with the other images in the thread! hopefully that puts all mysteries to rest
Toy ID Help / Various Barbie/Sindy/Whatever Accessories - 80s or 90s?
« Last post by TheDarkWithin on Saturday 04 March 2023, 07:57 pm »
Hey there! Just got a few of these and I'm not sure what they are, any pointers please? Thank you :) I do have more photos if needed. Also, the shoes, none of them are a pair, even though some are the same colour!!

NEW Toy Sections / Re: Giga Pets (1996/1997)
« Last post by SunshineSam218 on Tuesday 20 December 2022, 09:56 pm »
I remember owning The Little Mermaid one, I used to play with it all the time. I've actually seen some on Etsy and a few on Ebay. I think I'm going to buy one for myself, just to bring back memories.  :)
Toy ID Help / Doll from early 2000’s
« Last post by Rew2398 on Wednesday 16 November 2022, 03:21 am »
Okay, so I know this is a long shot because I don’t have many details.. but does anyone remember a tiny baby doll from around 2003 that wore purple and the logo was a bunny? I believe it was a carry along play set that also came with a ring.
Toy ID Help / Re: A whole mess of stuff - most Barbie or Barbie-like
« Last post by kiddy2468 on Sunday 06 November 2022, 07:30 am »
That strange green thing went with the baby dinosaur from the Jim Henson show Dinosaurs it was his rattle check it out.

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