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Toy ID Help / Re: Mid to late 80s or early 90s ID needed
« Last post by Dytris on Wednesday 08 December 2021, 11:43 pm »
Hmm, no, I doubt it, these ones had no arms or even a face as far as I remember, just little beady eyes. It was pretty much a ball with bat-like ears and little dangling legs. It was mid-size, enough to fit comfortably into the palms of our hands.
The ringing also seemed to make it vibrate a little.
Toy ID Help / Re: Random mini ponies needing ID
« Last post by Ghost Of The Doll on Monday 06 December 2021, 04:20 pm »
#7 is a ZOMLINGS figure.
Toy ID Help / Re: Random mini ponies needing ID
« Last post by invaderhorizongreen on Sunday 28 November 2021, 12:25 am »
#4 might either belong to the polly pocket Cinderella castle play set or a knock off
Toy ID Help / Re: Random mini ponies needing ID
« Last post by invaderhorizongreen on Saturday 27 November 2021, 11:59 pm »
Pony #1 might be a party favor from the pony luv line i have a pink one in the same pose, and they had a rope to make it a necklace. or it might be made by Tara toy. They might also be a lanard toy party favor as well.
Toy ID Help / Re: Puffalump (International) Knock Off Bootleg?
« Last post by invaderhorizongreen on Saturday 27 November 2021, 11:36 pm »
I want to say this might be a knock off of a toy line called big things made by fisher price in 1994  There is a neon elephant knock off one on ebay right now.

Toys Wanted / Re: Riders want list
« Last post by Rider of the storm on Saturday 27 November 2021, 11:27 pm »
Sorry for the lack of post life kind of got in the way. I bought a house, got a new job , and went to collage to sum things up. I am only looking for Any brood action figures from the toy biz line I got my trian bull at last, and warlock the dragon as well. I hope to take pics for updates at some point. Hello to any one still here.
Toy ID Help / Re: "Mailer" Plush "Puffies"? Like Smooshies 1980's
« Last post by Rider of the storm on Saturday 27 November 2021, 11:24 pm »
This sound like a toy line called big things. There are some on ebay at the moment  could this be it

Toy ID Help / Re: What is the name of this doll?
« Last post by kiddy2468 on Saturday 13 November 2021, 05:57 am »
Okay so I just came across another one and it’s orange.


And a yellow one


I also found this one and it called a Cuddle Wit doll


There two two Kids of America are also very close to my doll but they have candy on their dresses.


I think mine might be a Cuddle Wit fake

Show & Tell / jem items
« Last post by hime on Monday 08 November 2021, 05:18 am »
just got a few including
this other doll i forget who
the speaker
star stage
k jem playset.
Toy ID Help / Pink compact style house with little bear?
« Last post by Chezombie on Wednesday 13 October 2021, 03:36 pm »

I love compacts, and collect all I find, but unless it's polly pocket, I don't buy playsets without figs/dolls really. This is lovely, it has a little bear, which is very rare for these tiny compacts to come with any figs at all!

Has a weird mark on the back, does not pertain to any toymaker I know and when you google it, dolls houses come up? but not this?.

Thank you very much fellow collectors, I will return as many ID favors as I can lol :P

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