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NEW Toy Sections / Re: Tyco "Magic" Baby Dolls - 1990s
« Last post by Strphanieproulx1 on Monday 04 October 2021, 04:31 pm »
I recently bought a magic potty baby, but there is no liquid anymore (normal after 20 years). How can I add some liquid and the most important...what is the liquid? (it,s not water)
General Toy Discussion / Magic Potty baby refill
« Last post by Strphanieproulx1 on Monday 04 October 2021, 02:15 pm »
Hi everybody,
this is my first post in thi forum.
I just bought the Magic Potty baby 1996. But the problem is that it came all dry....with no liquid anymore. Normal after 20 years. But I want to know how can I refill it and with what?!

Toy ID Help / Re: I need help with a toy dinosaur.
« Last post by kiddy2468 on Tuesday 28 September 2021, 05:59 am »
Okay you didn’t start this thread but thank you for finding the dinosaur that is so him. I guess that mark was kind of close to his belly I always thought it was on his back.
Toy ID Help / Re: Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's
« Last post by kiddy2468 on Tuesday 28 September 2021, 05:28 am »
What do you remember about the washing machine? Did you put the clothes in from the top or from the front? We’re the clothes plastic or cardboard?
Introductions & Welcomes / Re: Hello Everybody!
« Last post by Cherry Merry Muffin on Saturday 25 September 2021, 03:42 pm »
Hi, I'm Cherry Merry Muffin and I collect all sorts of toys. These include My Little Ponies (all generations), Furreal Friends, Littlest Pet Shops (only the Hasbro ones), Pokemon, Care Bears, amiibo and other Nintendo character toys, and many more. I hope I enjoy this place as much as the rest of you.
CURRENT Toy Sections / Re: Cupcakes Dolls - Tonka
« Last post by Cherry Merry Muffin on Saturday 25 September 2021, 02:52 pm »
I'm bumping this topic after 3 years, and for good reason. I found this instagram post with new catalogue images for the Cupcake Cottage. Here's the link for it: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUORxBEsWit/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

I also have a link to another post with an unreleased Christmas Cupcake Doll that is currently not on this site. Here it is: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrX8g0fgyhQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Please edit the section on Cupcake dolls with this info.
General Toy Discussion / Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Last post by jeffmikal1 on Saturday 18 September 2021, 02:44 pm »
Anything I can find that's a cat. Im currently going after the Little Pet Shop cats.
I love collecting modish ita wallet. if you guys have some information share it with me.
General Toy Discussion / Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Last post by emmajohn1944 on Friday 17 September 2021, 10:35 pm »
I love the modern old town canoe. I want to collect information about it. Everyone share your information.
Introductions & Welcomes / Introduction
« Last post by maian82_123 on Thursday 19 August 2021, 11:14 am »
I'm new here  :)

I collect My Little Ponies from the 1980s and 1990s (also later generations but I guess they don't belong here). When I have bought accessory lots from Ebay I have got other small items too like combs etc. I love trying to identify them and the item pictures of ghostofthedoll.co.uk has helped me so much!

I haven't used this forum before but seems like this place could help me even more ;)

In addition, I'm not planning to keep the extra accessories so hopefully I would be able to find new owners for them. I prefer to sell with PayPal (goods and services, because of the protection) but not on Ebay  :)

I live in Finland so unfortunately the shipping costs can be a huge problem. But what if I find someone to buy a huge lot from me and that person would be interested to sell them forward to other collectors? Anyway I don't want to throw them away, I guess someone would be looking for them :)

Best wishes,
Toy ID Help / Re: Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's
« Last post by AquilaLorelei on Monday 16 August 2021, 12:17 am »
On second thought, the machine itself was likely white plastic, but the principle stands.  Also, the garments all had their own expressions like those old "alphabet" learning letters from kindergarten lol!
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