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Toy ID Help / Re: Sad "Orphan Doll NOT Lil'l Miss No-Name 1980's
« Last post by AquilaLorelei on Monday 16 August 2021, 12:15 am »
That seems to be VERY similar to what I remember!  Thanks for the memory jog!
Toy ID Help / Re: "Mailer" Plush "Puffies"? Like Smooshies 1980's
« Last post by AquilaLorelei on Monday 16 August 2021, 12:14 am »
Flotters, no these were definitely plush, not plastic dolls...
Toy ID Help / Re: "Looks Like Me" Ages Doll Line Mid-1990's
« Last post by AquilaLorelei on Monday 16 August 2021, 12:10 am »
Bumping this up, no not the Always Sisters.
Maybe something "American-girl-esque" but too early an era to be Welly Wishers.  Still on the hunt, then!
Toy ID Help / Trying to Track Down A Soft Toy From My Partner's Childhood
« Last post by Brads90 on Saturday 07 August 2021, 05:04 pm »
I need help trying to find any information on a soft toy, teddy, cloth doll type thing
She describes it the Green Rice Krispie Man (Kellogg's Rice Krispies, UK)
Very large, almost her size when she was a young child, I estimate it to be about 2 feet (24 inches) in length
Estimated time she acquired the toy was late 90s/ early 00s
Thats all the info we have really, so you can see the problems we're having trying to find it
I've done my own searches on google and such but any pictures on there are not the right toy
I'd appreciate any info at all that could help us track one down
She really loved it, it was one of her favourite possessions from her childhood but unfortunately it ripped and her parents dumped it. I would love to find one and purchase it for her
Toy ID Help / Re: Animal toys from the same collection?
« Last post by Frenchmaiid on Wednesday 28 July 2021, 03:02 am »
I hope it's okay to double post but I wanted to bump this up once again! Still want that little mouse. (:
Toys Wanted / WANTED: Hasbro B.A.B.Y. Aliens Doll
« Last post by B.A.B.Y. on Saturday 03 July 2021, 05:42 pm »
I'm a toy collector and have been searching for a Hasbro B.A.B.Y. Aliens plush doll for many years... If you could help me find one, it would make one of my biggest  toy dreams come true! You can contact me at rainbowchildrentoy@gmail.com if you have one to sell. Thx ! <3

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Toy ID Help / Re: Plastic Dog I had as a child
« Last post by gizmosprout on Thursday 24 June 2021, 05:11 pm »
Chances of OP seeing this a full decade later seems small, but I would bet this is the maltese dog from a Show Champions set (made by Empire). I have the german shepherd/maltese set and that food bowl disappearing trick was what the maltese came with. I just laid hands on the packaging for them in my parents' basement! The boxes looked like a stage. I think this is the same company who made Grand Champions horses.


Toy ID Help / Re: Please help me ID my tiny stuffed puppy
« Last post by gizmosprout on Thursday 24 June 2021, 05:52 am »
I have this! It was in a cardboard basket package with mom and a sibling. SOMEWHERE I still have this packaging, which would have a name.
Toys Wanted / Re: Katy Company U.S. Dogs Wanted
« Last post by gizmosprout on Thursday 24 June 2021, 05:37 am »
Hi, I have no idea if you will ever see this post, but I wanted to respond. I do know these plush dogs. You've already found the most comprehensive source of info about them as far as I can tell, being the archived version of their website. I have Sammy and Katy and I'm not looking to sell, but I came here to tell you that I sourced both of mine from eBay. They are very hard to search for as I'm sure you've noticed! That said, they do pop up on eBay from time to time. I randomly thought about them today and started searching around, which is how I found this post. But I also found a couple of live auctions and I thought I would pass them onto you in case you would see this and are still trying to acquire some of these dogs! I'm sending you a PM with the links.
Toys Wanted / ISO Real Baby Coos & Giggles 1992
« Last post by salpicatura on Tuesday 18 May 2021, 02:18 am »
Hello! I'm interested in purchasing a Real Baby Coos & Giggles doll made by Hasbro in 1992. If you have the rattle that goes with her, even better! I've searched eBay and Mercari, but she isn't available. My sister and I lost this doll when we moved 20 years ago. I'd like to have her back. Thank you!

[img https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1992-hasbro-16-real-baby-coos-giggles-538224799/img]
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