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Toy ID Help / Re: Doll from the 90’s!
« Last post by jenna4444 on Saturday 08 May 2021, 03:11 am »
Toy ID Help / Re: Help Id some 80s/90s dolls and outfits!
« Last post by robinharper on Friday 07 May 2021, 10:08 pm »
The shirt / dress with the rainbow on with a star at its end is from Rainbow Brite.

NEW Toy Sections / Re: Lucky Ponies (1997) - Meritus
« Last post by Glitter Yolk on Friday 07 May 2021, 09:13 pm »
So most of my photos I was taking from my instagram by posting the instagram photo urls, thinking "oh I'd never delete these!". Well, seems like instagram had their own ideas and the photo urls expired, despite the photos themselves still being on instagram. Seeing as I no longer had the original photos on my phone, I had to take screenshots from instagram and upload them to an image uploading website...Which, I should have been doing in the first place, but I'm too dumb.

In other words, the photos that died are back! With some annoying instagram arrow toggles in some of them. Ah well.  :-X
Toys Wanted / Re: Pound Puppies Pupling
« Last post by Sammy on Wednesday 05 May 2021, 04:15 pm »
If you ever come back to this, please share! I only have the catalogue images.
Toys Wanted / Re: Vintage Chipettes Collectibles
« Last post by ReubenWalters on Monday 03 May 2021, 04:43 am »
Hello Everyone,

I have LOADS of Chipmunks items to trade for Brittany stuff, which I'm currently posting on my Twitter account @reubenwalters6,  Come get 'em while they're hot!
Toy Swap Shop / Re: Chipmunks/Chipettes Trade
« Last post by ReubenWalters on Monday 03 May 2021, 04:43 am »
Hello Everyone,

I have LOADS of Chipmunks items to trade for Brittany stuff, which I'm currently posting on my Twitter account @reubenwalters6,  Come get 'em while they're hot!
Toy ID Help / Doll from the 90’s!
« Last post by Rew2398 on Sunday 02 May 2021, 12:35 am »
I’m looking for the name of a doll I had as a kid, all the dolls came on their knees and then you put an “outfit” over top of the body and the outfit had arms and legs. They were plastic bodied dolls and the clothes were made of cloth with hard plastic arms and legs. Thanks for any help!
Toy ID Help / Help Id some 80s/90s dolls and outfits!
« Last post by TheDarkWithin on Friday 30 April 2021, 04:52 pm »
Hi there! Recently got a bundle of 80's/90's dolls and am in the process of IDing the whole thing. Could anyone help with the following please? Thank you in advance!

Head has no mark, body reads Mattel Inc 1966. She is missing earrings and a ring.

Head has no mark, body reads Mattel Inc 1966 Malaysia. Not sure if she is suposed to have earrings or not, she has holes there but they seem to be fake holes?  ???

I believe one of these dolls may be a version of Peaches and Cream, but I have no idea which one.

I think this is a dollar store doll, but who knows?

Also got some outfits and things below, please help?

Any help is more than welcome! Thank you!
What wonderfully crazy sounds! Thank you for taking the time to record her, I shall add into the main section shortly.
Genealogy & Family History / Re: Native American Ancestry
« Last post by zuse on Tuesday 13 April 2021, 05:46 pm »
This is a common family legend in the south. My family has it on at least one side and I've done DNA test and traced back the paperwork quite a few generations. There are always women ancestors that we have lost trace of maiden name (especially prior to 1850) so that makes things tricky.




Read those articles. Obviously, there are many people that DO find they have a Native American ancestor. But don't have your heart broken if it isn't true. There's no harm in people wanting to make a claim in the end (lots of people make up a family tree that goes to Royalty or Jesus Christ, after all) but I guess the most important thing is what is your motive? Someone like Elizabeth Warren overstated hers and used it to progress her career in academia and that made her look bad. If you learn a lot about a culture in the process of your research, though, that's a good thing!
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