FrankenTigger is the most amazing find! I may keep him for my own, at least for a while…
I also found Bush Baby World, Clangers, Fingerlings, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Home, Littlest Pet Shop, Mr Men, Pound Puppies, Puppy Surprise, Roland Rat, Silly Slammers, Teenie Beanies, Thomas Little and Zhu Zhu Pets.
Electronic & Interactive Plush
Tigger sings, Mr Strong and Roland Rat talk, Clangers whistle, Zhu Zhu Pets mutter and move, Puppy Surprise barks, Pound Puppy moves its tail, Fingerlings blinks and Bush Baby World moves it’s creepy eyes! Silly Slammers should talk, but has now run out of steam.
- Frankenstein Tigger
- Mr Strong
- Roland Rat
- Whisteling Clangers
- Zhu Zhu Pets
- Puppy Surprise (barking)
- Pound Puppies (Galoob)
- Fingerlings
- Bush Baby World
- Silly Slammers #53 “Gourdy”
Just Plush!
- Five Nights At Freddy’s
- Home
- Littlest Pet Shop
- Thomas Little
- Teenie Beanies