Figures found this month so far included three Doctor Who figures to add to my collection, Fabuland (also for me), Lalaloopsy (me too!), Minecraft, Paw Patrol, Scooby Doo, Smart Dog, Smiggle (for me again), Soldier Force, Timmy Time, Top Wing, Trolls and Yo-Kai Watch. I also found five very well loved Ladybird books!
To Sell
I will sell the little Minecraft figures together. I will hold onto the Paw Patrol surfboard until I have some figures to add to it. I’m just waiting to find Shaggy to have the complete set of McDonald’s Scoobs figures. The Smart Dog turned out not to be so clever, as the remote doesn’t work! I’ll look out for some more Soldier Force figures to sell with this one, which turn up quite regularly. Timmy Time will sell on his own, but not sure whether to hold onto Top Wing for some more figures or sell on his own. Trolls I will add to a bundle to resell. The Yo-Kai Watch is missing its dome cover, but seems to work just fine without so will sell it with the little bag of duplicates I have lying around somewhere from my larger sales earlier this year.
- Minecraft
- Paw Patrol
- Scoobs! (McDonald’s)
- Smart Dog
- Soldier Force
- Timmy Time
- Top Wing
- To-Kai Watch
- Trolls
For Keeps!
Three more figures for my little Doctor Who figure collection, plus a cute pink Smiggle bunny, a Fabuland monkey and a Lalaloopsy Tinies.
- Doctor Who
- Smiggle, Fabuland & Lalaloopsy
I can’t resist a Ladybird book, no matter the state it’s in!
- Ladybird Books