Seven Troll Mambo Through The Nightgarden

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Last weeks finds included lots of little figures, which I love! I found Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Trolls & Zelfs, various mid-90s fast food toys, Pingu, Scooby Doo, My Little Pony (G3), various In My Pocket figures, a Pound Puppies Newborn, In The Night Garden, a large Minions vampire plush (who I forgot to add to photo, so have snuck him into the side!) a few books, comics and Mambos and Cha Cha Chas on LP. Ooh yes, and an ALF figure thing from the week before!


All three of these need some sewing attention. The Pound Puppies Newborn needs his whisker spots tidied, the Minions need stitching around the belly under his cloak as he’s about to split in two (eek!), and Upsy Daisy was to be thrown out as her skirt has fallen apart. I could bear to see her in the bin, so rescued her for repair.


Poor Fingerlings has lost his tail. I have yet to test him out. The G3 My Little Pony is lovely, with glittery wings and tinsel in her hair. The Equestria Girls brush is pretty useless as the prongs are too wide to get through even slightly tangled hair. I thought the LOL Surprise capsule may come in useful for if I come across any loose toys.

Another Zelf for my growing collection, and three Troll figures. The dressed Trolls were produced by Soma in 1992. The burglar Troll is a pencil topper.

I found three Pingu figures. I wasn’t until I got home that I realised the sled, table and chairs from the Igloo playset were also in the charity shop. When I went back in they were gone, but found the Igloo instead!

Shaggy looking for Velma, who didn’t show up in the charity shop with the other Scooby-Doo figures!

The ALF figure is made from very thin plastic. His bottom pops off, but unsure why yet! The Srewball Scramble time no longer works as the spring inside has rusted and snapped. If I come across a box of clock repair parts I should be able to repair it. The Magic Roundabout figure of Dylan originally sold on a stand with plastic dome cover.

I found three types of In My Pocket figures. I found the grass base for the pony a few weeks back, along with two flocked puppies. The Monster Wrestlers came free inside Kellogg’s Frosties in 1992.

Fast Food Toys Etc.

I found three of the four McDonald’s Looney Tunes Parade from 1995, and another Animanics from 1994. McDonald’s Disneyland Paris is from 2001, Donald is missing the brown disc which fits over the end of the Tuba and spins around when wound up. He also plays an annoying electronic tune! The Aladdin flying carpet toy in from 1993. The Goofy Movie came out in 1995, which dates the Burger King toy. The Kellogg’s Ice Cube Makers is of “Captain Rik” (Ricicles) from 1998. McDonald’s Peanuts The Movie is from 2015. Yogi Bear is from 1997 and missing the compass which fits into a hole on the top of his hear. Wacky RacesDick Dastardly” is from 1998 (sadly missing Muttley).

Other Figures

The clown and teapot have no manufacturers marks to identify them from.

Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse

Figures of various sizes and ages.

Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs

Figures of various sizes and ages.

Books & Music

Mambos And Cha-Cha-Chas by Ido Martin And His Latin Beat

Seven books.