Designo Dinos
"Frozen in an ancient volcano on a forgotten island, Dee & the Designo Dinos slept soundly for thousands of years. Until the day the volcano came suddenly back to life and woke them from their dreams. Now they travel the world in the latest designer fashions, looking for friends and adventures in this exciting new Dino Age."
Designo Dinos were produced by Totsy Toys in 1987 and were a small line of flocked dinosaurs in various clothing, and one doll. All are very hard to find.
Images on this
page thanks to Martin L, Jennifer M and eBay sellers ntxts & alertsisters!
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Dee & Baby Dinos
There were six dino characters produced, and one doll. Although the doll's clothing was different with each dino, she was always called Dee. The dino's were also sold separately, but I'm not sure about Dee.
Each dino came with an item of removable clothing and some came with a little accessory too.
Dee & Aeroba Saurus
Aeroba Saurus came with a personal stereo.
Dee & Bala Saurus
Dee & Brida Saurus
Dee & Rocka Saurus
Rocka Saurus came with a guitar.
Dee & Sara Tops
Sara Tops came with a skateboard.
Dee & Tara Dactyl
Unflocked Dinos
I have also come across some unflocked figures, which also have colour variations. Idon't know how these fit in yet.
All dinos were sold in packaging with Dee and also separately. I don't know if Dee was also sold separately.
Single packaging had "The Lost Legend of Dee & The Designo Dinos" story on the back, but no image of Dee.
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