Buffy Make-Up & Hairstyling Set [1970’s]

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“The swinging world of  hairstyling and make-up fun…”

I came across this fearful 1970’s styling head recently. I love the packaging with the housewife-to-hooker before and after effect.

Produced by Amsco (Milton Bradley) in 1971, it was just one of the many merchandising products released for the US TV show “Family Affair” in which Buffy was one of the characters.

The graphics on the leaflet and pots are fantastic.

And finally, the head…

There was also a couple of wigs, a wig stand, and a wig case. Because what 4 year old doesn’t want to play with creepy wigs?

Original images thanks to DebscountryVintage, EmporioX, aurorasjs, indariver and alldotcomauctions!

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