Including everything to do with food and drink! Below are the brands and products in this category.
“Different strokes for different folks.” These ads for Annie Green Springs fruit wine are from 1975.
“Here are more of those Fun-to-Bake, Fun-to-Cut-Up cakes!”This was the second little animal cake booklet by Baker’s Coconut, which was published in 1959 by General Foods Corp. There were fifteen different cake ideas, all decorated with Angel Flakes.
“A calendar of new cake-making ideas!”This little animal cake booklet from Baker’s Coconut was published in 1956 by General Foods Corp. They were all decorated with Angel Flakes and was one cake idea for each month.
“Purity. Body. Flavour” These ads for Ballantine ale date from 1947-48. They each had a description of the three rings logo and the same tag line of “America’s largest selling Ale”.
“Purity, body and flavour in every glass.” This illustrated ad campaign for Ballantine ale ran from 1948-50 and each ad had the same sentence winding around a glass and bottle.
“What woman does not long to be carried like a lamb in the arms of the man she loves.” Published in 1984, The Romance of Food by Barbara Cartland features over 170 pages full of cream-laden “aphrodisiacs for the young lovers”, all beautifully photographed in the kitsch-est 1980’s style imaginable.
“Doris discovers it’s easy to eat fancy!” These ads for various Birds Eye frozen food products date from 1949-50. Mid to late 1949 saw the introduction of a little chick character in cold weather clothing who was included a comic strip at the top of each ad.
“Drink your vitamins and like ’em!” These illustrated ads by Walter Early for Borden’s Hemo, a fortified chocolate malt drink, date from 1942-46.
“Where there’s pep there’s iron!”These fun ads for Bosco, a chocolate malt syrup which was added to milk, are all from 1940.
“Get in the feeling. Go Misting.” Canadian Mist’s “Misting” campaign ran from around 1977 to 1985. There was even matching his and hers caftans, jumpsuits, walking sticks and zodiac pendants!
“A tantalising touch. Proper behaviour when it’s just the two of you.” Canadian Mist’s “Mist Behaving” campaign ran from 1988 to 1993.
“Silky Red Cap. Silky Carling’s.” These illustrated ads for Carling’s “Red Cap” ale date from 1947-48. They all had dark green backgrounds and a mixture of outline and full illustrations.
“Great expectations…great refreshment.” These illustrated ads for Carling’s “Red Cap” ale date from 1948-49, with illustrations by L.M. Simpson.
“”Scotland’s prince of whiskies.”” These illustrated ads for Chivas Regal whisky ran from 1958-60. The artists included Phil Hays, Herbert Danska, Antonio Frasconni, Sven Palmquist, Alfred D. Crim, and Harvey Woolhiser. Each advert used a different artist, commissioned to create an interpretation of Robert the Bruce using various art forms.
“Have a Coke has become a gracious custom in more than 100 countries of the world today.”During 1957, artist Jack Potter created ten illustrations for Coca Cola’s “100 countries” ad campaign.
“Be really refreshed!”These ads for Coca Cola are from 1959-60.
“Coke-On-The-Job Keeps Workers Refreshed!”These Coca Cola vending machine ads for employers are from 1959-60.
“Hot food calls for ice-cold Coke!”These Coca Cola ads date from 1961-62, and try to temp people into having coke with their dinner rather than just with snacks or sandwiches.
“What a refreshing new feeling you get from Coke!”These Coca Cola ads date from 1961-62. Zing!
“Enjoy the lively life of Coke.”These Coca Cola ads date from 1962-63.
“Things go better with Coke.”This Coca Cola ad campaign ran for two years from Dec 1963 to Dec 1965 (as best I can tell).
“Refreshing New Feeling”These Coca Cola ads date from 1963.
“Refreshing The Olympic Spirit”These three ads were part of Coca Cola’s 1992 Olympics ad campaign, which they have sponsored since 1928.
“Free Ladybird Books!”
This Crosse & Blackwell “Baked Beans” tin label is from the early to mid 1970’s, and featured an offer on the back for free Ladybird books for children.
“Candy… rich in dextrose.” These ads for various Curtiss candy date from 1947-49.
“Truly Hawaiian” These three wonderful illustrated ads for Dole “Pineapple Juice” and “Pineapple Gems” were painted by A.M. Cassandre in 1938.
“Reflections on Hawaii’s Bounty” These two illustrated ads for Dole “Pineapple Juice” and “Pineapple Slices” were painted by Lloyd Sexton in 1945-46.
“Evervess… yes, yes!” These ads for Evervess sparkling water date from 1946-47. It was produced by Pepsi-Cola.
“Betsy does it for fun!” These ads for Fleers “Dubble Bubble” chewing gum date from 1942.
“What do they mean clean…clean…clean?” These ads for Fleischmann’s gin date from 1960-63.
“Fleischmann’s is the big buy!” These ads for Fleischmann’s whisky date from 1959-65.
“How to serve applause-winning Manhattans every time.” These ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails are from 1954.
“Full strength – ready to serve.” These celebrity ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails are from 1955-56.
“Cocktails… for the holidays!” In Nov-Dec 1956, Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails produced two ads featuring actors Vincent Price and Billy Pearson brandishing a cocktail pitcher.
“Martinis on-the-rocks straight from the Heublein bottle.” These celebrity ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails are from 1957.
“Martinis on-the-rocks straight from the Heublein bottle.” These ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails and cordials are from 1957.
“What this country needs is a good 25¢ Martini!” These celebrity ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails date from 1961-63.
“Most people can’t make cocktails as good as these – and I wish they wouldn’t try!” These ads for Heublein’s ready to serve cocktails date from 1964-67 and featured a large selection of famous actors of the time.
“Mother Knows Best!” These ads for Kellogg’s of breakfast cereal variety packs date from 1949. The packs included Pep, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Shredded Wheat, Corn Soya, Krumbles and Bran Flakes.
Television, toys, games and movie cereals from the 1980’s-90’s. Mmm, artificially flavoured goodness! Oooh, and apparently peanut better and chocolate-flavoured crispy sweetened 2-grain cereal is E.T.’s favourite flavours…
“They’re cool, cool, COOL!” These ads for Life Savers breath freshener sweets date from 1939-42.
“If she always struggles like this… When you wish she’d snuggle like this… Try this!” These ads for Life Savers breath freshener sweets date from 1942-47.
“For the gayest Easter eggs!” These two adverts for food colourings are from 1958 & 1963.
“The champagne of bottle beer.” This illustrated ad campaign for Miller “High Life” lager dates from 1959-60, with artwork by by John McCormack.
“Candy’s dandy…keep it handy!” These ads by the The Council on Candy of the National Confectioners Association date from 1946-47. Featuring illustrations by Vernon Grant, the ad campaign encouraged Americans to eat candy for energy.
“A gentleman’s whiskey.” These ads for Paul Jones whisky date from 1943-47.
“They entertain the modern way!”These lovely illustrated ads for Pepsi-Cola date from the end of 1959 though 1960.
“Thinking young is flying to a picnic!”These ads for Pepsi-Cola date from 1961 to mid 1964.
“You’re in the Pepsi generation!”These ads for Pepsi-Cola date from mid 1964 to 1966.
“Taste that beats the others cold!” This ad campaign from Pepsi-Cola date from late 1966 to mid 1969.
“Mmm… so fresh and smooth… ah… so smooth and fresh!”
These adverts for Peter Pan Peanut Butter, produced by Derby, date from 1949-1950.
“RC tastes best!” These full page colour ads for Royal Crown Cola date from 1942-48. Each ad featured well a known actress of the time and their current staring role.
“Best by taste test!” These half-page, black, white and red ads for Royal Crown Cola date from 1943-48. Each ad featured well a known actress of the time and their current staring role.
“I was curious… I tasted it…” These illustrated ads for Schlitz beer date from 1948-50. They all featured three strips of illustrations with curious men tasting a new beverage.
“Fresh Up!” These Seven Up ads date from 1943-45 and feature photos of grinning floating heads.
“Fresh up with Seven-Up!” These Seven Up ads date from 1946. They continued in style from the previous year with the floating grinning heads, but also included cut-out illustrations posed with real bottles of soda.
“The taste that’s fresh and frisky!” Here are some Seven-Up ads from 1965 featuring young, swinging people doing various kinds of social or sporting activities.
“If the Snider folks put it up… it tastes like home!” These fun illustrated ads for Snider’s “Old Fashioned Chili Sauce” and “Catsup” date from 1943-48.
“Cold or hot, Spam hits the spot!” These ads for Spam, produced by the Hormel Food Company, date from 1941.
“Have a Swanson night soon!” These Swanson TV dinner adverts are from 1955-56. I find the simple design of these ads appealing, the food not so much.
Chewits, Black Jacks, Curly Wurly… I can feel my teeth disintegrating just thinking about all those lovely after school sweet treats! Here’s a selection of 1970’s & 1980’s original wrappers, from a time when penny sweets were still a penny.
“The Now Taste of Tab”These ad’s for Tab, a low calorie soft drink made by Coca Cola, are from 1964-68.
“Gain a youthful figure with the new bread diet!”These ads by the American Institute Of Baking are from 1939. They recommended six slices of bread a day within their included diet to help reduce weight without losing energy. Sounds good to me!
“Tasty, tempting, delicious!” These ads for Trolls mint sweets are all from 1946.
“All men go for it!” These ads for Underwood’s “Deviled Ham” date from 1940.
“You’re positively colossal, Psyche!” These illustrated ads for White Rock sparkling water date from 1946-48, with artwork by John Holmgren. Each ad featured the (very) scantily clad character of Psyche getting on wives nerves and over exciting the menfolk before calming them all down with a drink.
“Keeps you sparkling, too!” These three illustrated ads for White Rock sparkling water date from 1946. They were illustrated by Slayton Underhill and Edwin Dahlberg.