“America’s Finest Silverplate” These celebrity endorsed ads for 1847 Rogers Bros cutlery date from 1939-45.
“Frigidaire announces space age refrigeration!” These futuristic, sci-fi inspired Frigidaire ads are from 1966. They all feature sixties clad models wearing bubble space helmets (or possibly fish bowls).
“And now! Fabulous “Foodarama” by Kelvinator!” These ads for Kelvinator’s “Foodarama” fridge/freezer are from 1955-59.
“Kitchens of tomorrow may look like this!”This article is from a 1943 edition of Life magazine.
“We help around the home.”
These ads for various Rubbermaid household storage items date from 1977-79.
“To a man’s heart through his hide!” These ads for the Westinghouse “Laundromat” washing machine date from 1944-45.
“Every house needs Westinghouse!” These style of ad campaign for various Westinghouse kitchen electricals date from 1946-49.