“Only Chevrolet is first!”
These ads for Chevrolet cars are from 1948. Chevrolet was and still is a division of General Motors.
They are quite striking with their pitch black backgrounds and bold, white text.
“Yes, you’ll find people everywhere agreeing: Of all cars, only one is Number One, only Chevrolet for 1948 is first, because it alone gives BlG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST – stepped-up in style and value! That’s why more people drive Chevrolets – and more people want Chevrolets – than any other make of car, according to official nation-wide registration and seven independent nation-wide surveys.”
“Again in 1948, Chevrolet is America’s favourite motor car. More people buy it, and more people drive it than any other make, because it gives more value! You’ll find this 100% true, and the very fact that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in popular demand – this year and for the total 17-year period, 1931 to date – is your assurance that it’s the one car offering BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES!”