“The Secret? It’s in the crotch.” Action Jeans (aka Kickin’ Jeans) were produced by Century Martial Arts from 1977 to 1991 and endorsed by Chuck Norris from 1981.
“Wantu Wazuri (Beautiful People)” These ads for Afro Sheen hair care products date from 1968-73. Many of the ads used Swahili headlines.
“Different strokes for different folks.” These ads for Annie Green Springs fruit wine are from 1975.
“Loveable. Collectable. That’s Avon’s Small World!” Christmas of 1970, Avon began to produce an adorable line of cosmetics and bath items for girls called “Small World”. It was based on Disney’s “It’s A Small World” ride, with characters designed by Mary Blair.
“Start fresh with Belair.” These ads for Belair menthol cigarettes date from 1970-72 and featured couples smoking in blue skied seaside surroundings.
Last Christmas I bought myself a large pile of vintage Blue Peter annuals. It was never one of my favourite programmes on telly, but I did enjoy the craft items they made out of toilet rolls and sticky back plastic! Here’s a few Christmas crafts from various annals dating from 1965-82.
“The one anti-perspirant that’s right for every woman”
These Body Mist deodorant adverts are from 1970-75.
“Underwear that’s funtawear!”
These ads/leaflets for British Bulldog unisex novelty underwear date from c.1979.
I came across this fearful 1970’s styling head recently. I love the packaging with the housewife-to-hooker before and after effect. Produced by Amsco (Milton Bradley) in 1971, it was just one of the many merchandising products released for the US TV show “Family Affair” in which Buffy was one of the characters.
“Get in the feeling. Go Misting.” Canadian Mist’s “Misting” campaign ran from around 1977 to 1985. There was even matching his and hers caftans, jumpsuits, walking sticks and zodiac pendants!
Just enough time to squeeze one more Christmas related post, featuring creepy life-like Santa masks, fake fire places and festive piñatas found in a selection of US seasonal catalogues.
Following on from my post about 1980’s character nightwear, I decided to look into character bedding. These images are from various US Christmas catalogues dating from 1974-86.
“Instant outfits for today’s pant people!” For girls who want today’s favoured Folk-Art Look, boys who want to be done up sailor-style, and crushed velvet for holiday happenings for the grown-ups.
“Tiny togs for tiny tots to knit to crochet.” Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for childrenswear, dating from 1970-77.
“Decorate your body with all sorts of things… Make a headband… wear it as a dog collar… wear it as an armlet… make it longer… wear it as a belt… Express Yourself!”Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for various fashion accessories, including, bags, belts and slippers. They date from 1970-77.
“Get with fashion’s newest rage. These handknits fly off your fingers with supersonic speed.” Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for Women’s fashion. They date from 1967-77.
Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for men’s fashion. They date from 1968-75.
“In the mood of yesterday, today and tomorrow, in colours to blend with a mood, to accent a quite scene.”
Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for various gifts household items, including rugs, toys and cushions. They date from 1971-77.
Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for ponchos, cloaks and shawls. They date from 1967-77.
“Bright touches to warm gay spirits from top to toe.” Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for scarves, hats and mittens. They date from 1967-77.
“What a way to wear pink and blue!” This ad for “Some Baby!” platform shoes by Connie dates from 1973.
Like any normal human being, I have a healthy hatred of clowns. One stood on my foot once, and then there was Poltergeist. That said, here is a collection of clowns from various catalogues dating from 1962 to 1989. My favourite clowns are the ones being punched by small boys.
“Free Ladybird Books!”
This Crosse & Blackwell “Baked Beans” tin label is from the early to mid 1970’s, and featured an offer on the back for free Ladybird books for children.
This is a starter guide to dating Ladybird books from the 1960’s and 1970’s, which shall be updated as I gather more information.
“Sisters are different from brothers.”These ads for men’s hair styling product “Duke” and their women’s range “Raveen” are from 1964 to 1972. Both made by Supreme Beauty Products, they mainly advertised separately but there were a few mixed line ads too.
“Women love that Duke look!” These ads for mens hair styling product “Duke” date from 1960 to 1973.
“Duke…It’s bold! It’s natural!”These ads for men’s hair styling product “Duke” ran each week between April and July 1972 in Jet magazine.
“Smoke pretty. Eve.”These adverts for Eve Cigarettes are from 1971-72. With their floral packaging and filter tips, these cigarettes were marketed solely at women.
I came across an amazing book of knitting patterns by Columbia-Minerva recently called “Fables and Fabulous Yarns: Knit Fashions for Boys & Girls” (1970). Not only does it the most fabulous photographs inside featuring floral backdrops and slightly creepy stuffed animals, but it also has a short story and poems written by Christie White Dauphin. Concept, photography & lithography by Low’s Inc.
“I’m just a soul singer from Detroit.” These ads for Fashion Fair cosmetics date from 1975-78 and feature a variety of notable black women of the time.
“Flagg shoes, for the outspoken few.” These ads for Flagg Bros men’s shoes date from 1966-72.
“Slippers for little dreamers.” Here are some super cute furry slippers from various catalogues from the 1960-70’s.
“Gentlemen Prefer Hanes” These unashamedly awful Hanes pantyhose adverts date from between 1973-84. Each one features a man leering at another woman’s legs whilst out with his wife or girlfriend. I don’t know about them being gentlemen, more like creepymen!
“Clothing to the Stars.” These two black and white illustrated ads for Hollywood Boulevard mens shirts are from 1975.
Build This Patio Appliance Centre These are my favourite DIY and home improvement projects from various 1969-1975 editions of Popular Mechanic magazine.
“Xmas greetings from the stars!” Here is a selection of cheesy Jet magazine Christmas covers from 1973 to 1985.
“A new art for today’s homemaker” If having bold coloured toilet paper only in your bathroom wasn’t enough, Kleenex published a 36 page booklet in 1971 full of crazy crafts to spread around the home too.
“FFS holds prices down!” This Kodacolor film developing envelope by Free Film Service is from the early 1970’s.
“Taste too hot to handle?” These ads for Kool menthol cigarettes date from 1969-73. They all featured mountains, waterfalls and forests whist questioning smokers if their current choice was too dry, flat, hot or dull.
“Nothing cools like Kool!” These ads for Kool menthol cigarettes date from 1974-79. They all featured smokers expressing how cool Kool was.
“So good, it’s got to be Kool!” These ads for Kool menthol cigarettes date from 1979. Amongst the end of one ad campaign and the beginning of another, I found these two ads featuring manically laughing smokers!
“Come claim a private new world all for you. The Gentle Sex.” This lovely illustrated ad campaign for Kotex Kotique feminine hygiene products date from 1969-71.
“This is L&M – super bad.” These adverts for L&M Cigarettes are from 1971-73. They all feature funky smoking couples on dates.
“A beautiful way to relax.” These are my favourite ads for La-Z-Boy chairs, dating from 1971-76.
There were 27 titles in the original series “Well Loved Tales” (6O6D, Easy Reading), which were produced between 1964 to 1974 with a hardback matt cover. In 1979 Ladybird began to completely redesigned the series with new illustrations throughout and adding several new stories.
One up in style.
These adverts are from 1971-72 and feature some fantastic text (as well as some fantastic trousers). All the chaps sit defiantly with one leg draped over the arm of their large ornate throne-like chairs, showing of their modern breeches and manhood at the same time.
I’m a massive fan of exotica and lounge music and enjoy nothing better than scouring the charity shops for a new gem to add to my LP collection! Les Baxter is one my favourites, so I’ve collected together images of some of his LP covers, which are as weird and wonderful as his music.
Feeling a bit hung over from all that New Year’s Eve partying? Here’s some lurid lounge wear which won’t help with that one bit!
“She’ll flip with your cool magic.” These ads for Magic Shaving Powder and Magic After Shave Cream by Carson date between 1964-81.
“Let’s get it together!” These ads for Magnificent hair care products date from 1968-71.
“If you’ve got it, flaunt it – elegantly!” Ebony magazine’s April 1973 fashion shoot for men was all about colourful leisure looks with comfort, class, plaid and pinstripes. The photoshoot took the “tremendous trio” to the Caribbean island of Curacao where they lounged about on bridges, rock pools and against craggy walls.
The Fine Art of Italian KnitsThese three ads for Michelangelo knitwear date from 1969 to 1970 and feature America Baseball player Walt Frazier.
“Brings out the actress in you!” These Movie Star lingerie adverts date between 1960 and 1979.
“Get in on the swinging sound!” Here’s a selection of images featuring children playing musical instruments from various catalogues dating from 1970-90’s.
I stumbled across this delightful selection of boardgames in the 1976 Argos catalogue, which I was browsing (as you do). I was immediately captivated by Brucie’s little smiling face and had to learn more!
“Four approaches to beauty and comfort.” These very 1970’s interior design delights are from a 1977 Ebony magazine article which featured four different apartments.
“Spend a milder moment with the quiet taste of Raleigh.” These ads for Raleigh cigarettes date from 1970-71 and featured couples smoking in golden sunset surroundings.
“Spend a milder moment with Raleigh.” These ads for Raleigh cigarettes date from 1971-72 and featured couples smoking in sunny countryside surroundings.
“There you go being beautiful again!”These ads for womens hair styling products “Raveen” date from 1960 to 1974.
“We help around the home.”
These ads for various Rubbermaid household storage items date from 1977-79.
“Have fun with things occult.” Here is a selection of scary boardgames from various catalogues ranging from the 1960’s-70’s.
“Write with Schneider.”
This German Schneider pen paper bag in from the 1970’s.
“Get in on thin.”These sleek, black and white adverts for Silva Thins cigarettes are from 1968-71.
“We spot the trends. You make them.” These ads for Simplicity dress making patterns date from 1971-75
“Colours Grey Hair Black” These small black and white ads for Slick Black by Valmor were used between 1969-80. Personally, I like the half-white/half-black hair look.
Twinkle was one of my favourite girls comics when I was little, I even named one my two childhood cats after her (the other cat was named “Tammy” after my other favourite comic). Here are all the annual covers from 1970 to 2003. I love the early cover designs best with the plain coloured backgrounds, white circle behind Twinkle and black text.
“An exciting offer for earthlings!” Here are some spectacular b&w adverts for the Star Wars Fan Club I found in Boys’ Life magazine (1977, 78 & 80). I also found two belt buckle ads, a patch ad and a flying model rocket ad.
Chewits, Black Jacks, Curly Wurly… I can feel my teeth disintegrating just thinking about all those lovely after school sweet treats! Here’s a selection of 1970’s & 1980’s original wrappers, from a time when penny sweets were still a penny.
“The Kleenex Boutique Collection is in… and bathroom tissue has gone glorious. Gone honest-to-Kleenex soft!” Kleenex Boutique was produced from the late 1960’s to the early 1980’s. Bold colours and crazy paisley toilet paper and tissues, perfect to colour co-ordinate with your furry toilet seat cover!
“She’ll wash clothes, run water, turn knobs! Busy, busy in her Frigidaire kitchen! It’s all pink… and just her size!”From mothers little helpers to mini gourmet chefs, here’s a collection of toy kitchen sets from 1962 to 1989.
“Crank out and paint these plastic uglies.” Here is a selection of different types of monsters from various catalogues ranging from the 1960’s-70’s.
“All kinds of robots are on the move.” Here is a selection of toy robots from various catalogues ranging from the 1960’s-70’s.
“All is vanity…” These ads for Vanity Fair lingerie cover the 1960’s. They all had a plain, bright backdrop, full length bodies, and partially hidden faces. This style carried on right up to 1980 at least.
“The glamour girl look returns.” These ads for Vanity Fair lingerie cover the 1970’s. They all had a plain backdrop, full length bodies, and partially hidden faces. This style carried on right up to 1980 at least.
“All the taste, all the time.” These adverts for Viceroy Cigarettes are from 1970-72 and mostly feature fussy couples out shopping, handling the goods with one hand whilst flicking cigarette ash over everything with the other.
“You’ve come a long way baby.” These ads for Virginia Slims cigarettes date from 1968-79.
“We make Virginia Slims especially for women because they are biologically superior to me.” These ads for Virginia Slims cigarettes date from 1968-84 and were slightly tongue in cheek.
“You’ve come a long way baby.” These ads for Virginia Slims cigarettes date from 1971-79.
Here’s a series of catalogue shots from 1975 using what I like to call the “What’s that smell?” pose.
“Professionally styled for cool efficiency.”These ads for White Swan Uniforms are from 1971-88.
“How cool it is!” These funky adverts for Winston Cigarettes are from 1971-73. The men are all situated at the front and looking directly at the viewer, whilst the women are positioned just behind looking on at the men with a range of slightly bemused or grumpy expressions.