“Be lovely to love.”
These ads for Fresh deodorant are from 1946-51. The design changed very little over the years, always featuring a kissing couple wearing glamorous evening attire.
“Are you sure of your present deodorant? How long since you’ve been kissed? Try Fresh for a week – and count your kisses! See if Fresh doesn’t make you lovelier to love!”
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
- 1946
“Use Fresh and be lovelier to love.”
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
“Never before in History!”
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
“Be Lovelier to Love with new perfect Fresh.”
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
“Are you really Lovely to Love?”
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
- 1949
“Are you always Lovely to Love?”
- 1950
- 1950
- 1950
- 1950
- 1950
- 1951
- 1951
- 1951
- 1951
- 1951
(Visited 53 times, 1 visits today)
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