“The goblins’ll getcha if you don’t hand out!”
Here’s a selection of Halloween themed ads from the 1950’s, which includes everything from candy to shoe polish!
“Halloween design for your gay Halloween party.”
- Serviset by Sutherland
- Spun-Lo
“Hey kids! Ask mother for a “Weeny Witch” Halloween party!
- Skinless Franks
“We don’t try to scare you with medical claims…”
- Lucky Strike
- Texaco
- Bisquick
- Old Gold
- Fleer’s Dubble Bubble
- Jell-O
“No Halloween mask scares off a man as much as ‘morning mouth’.”
- Old Gold
- Chlorodent
- Milky Way
- Budweiser
Jack O’Lanterns burning bright…
Grownups turn for fun tonight.
Friends and neighbours are gathered here
For games and snacks and nice cold beer.
- Ballantine
“Neat trick for quick treat!”
- Rath Black Hawk Meats
- Milky Way
- Curtiss
“Sweet stalkin’!”
- Skinless Franks
- Milky Way
- Mobil
- Olin Batteries
- Post’s Sugar Crisp
- Ballantine
- Fleer’s Dubble Bubble
- Curtiss
- Clairol
- Chase & Sanborn
- Schlitz
“The goblins will get you if your shoes are dull and dingy.”
- Griffin Microsheen
- Snider’s Catsup
- Sylvania
“Any treat will stop a trick.”
- Kraft
- Reddi-Wip
- Post’s Treat-Pak
- Pepsi
- Brach’s Halloween Candy
“The goblins’ll getcha if you don’t hand out!”
- Aunt Jemima
- Brach’s Candy
- Kraft
- Post’s Treak-Pak
- Hawaiian Punch
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