Pall Mall [1960-1962] Cigarette Adverts ~ Mary Blair

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“Good! Good! Good!”

These illustrated ads for Pall Mall cigarettes date from late 1960-62. The ads all had a white background with different stylised fruit painted by Disney artist Mary Blair.

As before, the ads were publicised as both single and double-page spreads.

“Good-looking. Good-tasting. Good-smoking Pall Mall!”

“Pall Mall’s natural mildness is so good for your taste!”

By the end of 1961 the “good good good” tagline had been removed and replaced with a new one, but continued with the fruit theme. This new tagline was also used for two completely different looking ad campaigns, one with illustrated smoking couples and one with photos of smokers lying in the grass (listed separately).

There were also a couple of designs which didn’t include fruit, and were the first to be published.

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