“The open-collar feeling in leather.”
These ads for “Roblee” men’s shoes by Brown Shoe Company date from 1955-58. They were all cropped images of a man’s feet in nice shiny shoes, and many had a glamorous woman’s hand peeking in from the side.
“That’s the way it is. The help so kindly offered by this ever-loving helpmate was spurned this morning. How’s a wife to know these Roblees open up so wide you simply slip into them? Practically no hands.”
- 1955
- 1955
- 1955
- 1955
“Smart man starts new day with Roblee.”
1956 saw the addition of the above tagline.
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
“Something for the outgoing male.”
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
“Our friend will walk on air today.”
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
- 1957
The “smart man” tagline was removed in 1957 and the Roblee typeface stretched.
- 1957
- 1957
- 1957
- 1957
- 1957
“Quality at your feet.”
The ad style changed slightly in mid-1958 to include a larger logo for Brown Shoe Company and a slightly altered “open-collar” tagline, but otherwise remained much the same.
- 1957
- 1957
- 1957
- 1958
- 1958
- 1958
- 1958