“The wonder picture of all time!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1940.
“Love prize of the islands!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1941.
“More than a musical…It’s marvellous!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1942.
“”Here’s a thrill, new and gay! It’s a dance filled holiday!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1943.
“All this… and Hayworth too!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1944.
“A lady of fire and ice… A rogue of steel and gallantry.” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1945.
“So neat! So sweet! So-o-o indescreet!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1946.
“It’s a wonderful laugh, it’s a wonderful love!” These magazine ads for movies are all from 1947.