Movie Adverts [1940]

“The wonder picture of all time!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1940.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1941]

“Love prize of the islands!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1941.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1942]

“More than a musical…It’s marvellous!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1942.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1943]

“”Here’s a thrill, new and gay! It’s a dance filled holiday!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1943.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1944]

“All this… and Hayworth too!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1944.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1945]

“A lady of fire and ice… A rogue of steel and gallantry.”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1945.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1946]

“So neat! So sweet! So-o-o indescreet!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1946.

Category: Film & TV

Movie Adverts [1947]

“It’s a wonderful laugh, it’s a wonderful love!”
These magazine ads for movies are all from 1947.

Category: Film & TV