Botany ~ Menswear Adverts [1955] “Camera”

“Brings better fashion into focus.”
These ads for Botany “Camera” men’s fashions date from 1955. They were thin, full height third-page ads featuring disembodied clothing, cameras for heads, and bright coloured backgrounds.

Category: Menswear

Columbia Minerva Knitting Leaflets ~ Fashion Accessories [1970-1976]

“Decorate your body with all sorts of things… Make a headband… wear it as a dog collar… wear it as an armlet… make it longer… wear it as a belt… Express Yourself!”Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for various fashion accessories, including, bags, belts and slippers. They date from 1970-77.


Cutter Cravat ~ Neckwear Adverts [1951-1953] “Artist Originals”

“America’s most-wanted gift tie!”
These ads for Cutter Cravat “Artist Originals” ties date from 1951-53.


Wembley Ties ~ Neckwear Adverts [1941-1942] “Nor-East”

“Watch him crush it!”
These ads for Wembley neckwear date from 1941-42, and featured American wrestlers of the day doing their best to wrinkle their “Nor-East” ties.


Wembley Ties ~ Neckwear Adverts [1948-1951]

“For me who have modern fashion ideas.”
These adverts for Wembley’s bold patterned ties are from 1948-51.

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