“Gain a youthful figure with the new bread diet!”
These ads by the American Institute Of Baking are from 1939. They recommended six slices of bread a day within their included diet to help reduce weight without losing energy. Sounds good to me!
“Enjoy sparkling health, extra vitality, new loveliness!”
The Power Of Bread
An hour’s ironing! I don’t think all the ironing I have done in my entire life even adds up to an hour. Or window cleaning. Maybe I need more bread.
The Menus
My favourite menu includes codfish balls and a cup of stewed tomatoes. And the one with half a cup of tomato soup and what is basically a bacon sandwich.
The Right Way to Right Weight
There was even a 20 page booklet produced full of helpful bread related information and menus.
“Asked to name foods in the order of their importance in the world, an over-whelming majority of people immediately think of bread. And quite naturally, too.
For ages, bread has been the staple food of the race. The word stands, in fact, for food itself… “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.”
And good bread is now recognised everywhere as a most important part of the well-balanced daily diet that promotes the desirable condition of buoyant health.”
Original images thanks to qcyjohn!