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Author Topic: Koosh Lings by OddzOn  (Read 24286 times)

Offline BattySparkles

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Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« on: Friday 15 April 2011, 07:40 am »
I know they began in 1996 and made it at least into 1997.

Original Koosh Lings
Tugs, Skye, Teeter, T.K.


Pip(this one seems to have lost a lot of hair)



I'm guessing these last two regulars were new characters that were introduced later on since their packaging is so different


Wild Times Koosh Lings

Skateboardin' Tugs

Sunny(Note the pompoms variations)

Skatin' Skye

Birthday Party Teeter

Birthday Party Teeter has this variation that was used as a 10 years of Koosh promotion at a 1997 toy fair.

Charming T.K.

Slumber Bunny Pip

Glow-in-the-dark Twinks

Cool Scenes Koosh Lings

Hang Ten T.K.

Home Run Roxie

Modern Art Melvin

Rock'n Roll Axel

Note the boots variation here. I wonder if this is a variation of Rock'n Roll Axel or if this is the regular Axel.

Ballerina Bella

Tennis Ace Skye

Easter Koosh Lings:

Here's a guy that looks like he must have been a Christmastime Cap'n Crunch premium. He is very similar to Rock'N Roll Axel so he may be the original version of Axel. But he does look like he has a much yellower skintone than Axel, so maybe he's someone completely different. His tag also doesn't seem to have any name so he could just be a generic promo

And here we have a mystery spacey looking guy. He doesn't seem to have quite the same style as all the others so maybe he's not a Koosh Ling and  is from some other Koosh line

Miscellaneous Items

Here are two Koosh Lings commercials. Some of the pictures I used above are stills from these

That's all the information I have. Please contribute if you have any other info/pictures!

These pictures came from the commercials I linked to,eBay, Amazon, and various other places from google image searching.
« Last Edit: Monday 12 November 2012, 01:51 am by BattySparkles »

Offline EricaVee

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Re: Koosh Lings by Oddzon
« Reply #1 on: Sunday 17 April 2011, 02:28 am »
I remember these well! They were one of those things that was at the front of the toy store, by the cash register.

I also remember pencil toppers with plain Koosh balls being sold at our school book fairs.
Wish List!
-Any Merwees (CAP Toys)
-Lady Lovely Locks Seek & Peek board game
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Offline zuse

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Re: Koosh Lings by Oddzon
« Reply #2 on: Sunday 17 April 2011, 03:33 am »
I had Koosh Ball bookmarks from Books-A-Million.

My sister tried to get me in trouble once. She yelled for mom, telling her I'd hit her with a koosh ball. Mom was ready to be all mad until she found out what it was. Pretty much told her not to forget to let her know if she got hit with a feather or spaghetti noodle too. :D
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Offline Wardah

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Re: Koosh Lings by Oddzon
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 17 April 2011, 04:58 am »
« Last Edit: Sunday 17 April 2011, 05:01 am by Wardah »

Offline Ianua

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Re: Koosh Lings by Oddzon
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 18 May 2011, 06:40 pm »
We had Kooshkins that had faces on had shades one was a girl with lipstick and mine had buck teeth we also had animals I remember a rabbit and a bear x

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #5 on: Sunday 11 November 2012, 10:12 am »
UPDATING 11/11/2012- I've added more pictures for certain characters and just lots of new things altogether.

Offline pikapal

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday 13 November 2012, 11:28 pm »
Kooshie Koos

Offline ForeverKokiri

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #7 on: Friday 16 November 2012, 12:04 pm »
Ohhhhh I always wanted one of these. My mom got me a Koosh Finger Fling instead. The strap was too thick and I couldn't fling it properly. I think I ended up hitting my mom with it, and it really hurts if it's goin' fast enough.

Offline Miss Katherine

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #8 on: Monday 07 January 2013, 01:57 am »
I remember all of the Koosh character ball lines so well! Out of the Kooshlings, I had Rock 'n' Roll Axel and the key ring/clip-on version of Sunny (under "miscellaneous" in the original post). They "lived" at my dad's house when I would come up to visit him. I remember often bringing them to the neighborhood pool so I could dunk them underwater and watch their bristles shrink up!

I didn't have any Kooshie Koos babies but had two sets of Kooshie Koos pets - each set had two pets mounted on a card. There were a tan puppy and a grey kitten, both with pink bristles (and I clearly remember giving the kitten to a younger cousin, since I disliked cats at the time!), a purple puppy with yellow bristles, and a white bunny with turquoise-ish bristles. I remember that each had a name and a rhyming "profile" printed on the back of the card.

The only other two character balls I remember having are a Bugs Bunny (large size Koosh) and a light purple hippo with darker purple bristles (about the size of a Kooshie Koos pet, but definitely before their time; it was a present at Christmas 1995 and we have the video proof!). Others I saw but never owned were always at a Circuit City my mom and I would visit. They were all large size balls, and the ones I clearly remember are a black cat, a tiger, and maybe a zebra.

Offline Rhymer

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday 15 January 2013, 08:04 pm »
AAAAH! I had so many of these. Let's see. I had, in the originals, Teeter, Sunny, Skye, Pip, Melvin, T.k. Tugs, the original Axel and Bella. I also had Slumber Bunny Pip from the Wild Times set, and I think also Charming T.K. and Tennis Ace Skye and Ballerina Bella from the Cool Scenes line.

As for the pet sets someone mentioned, the cat is named Frisky, there was one puppy named Turner, can't remember his coloring, and two bunnies I had named Checkers and Banjo. Not being able to see, I had trouble telling the bunnies apart.

Actually? Axel is sitting on my desk right now, and T.K. is somewhere in my wardrobe.

Also, might not be important to anyone here, but Sunny and Skye are twins.

Offline ForeverKokiri

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Re: Koosh Lings by OddzOn
« Reply #10 on: Friday 08 February 2013, 06:45 am »
There were a lot of knockoff koosh-type animals in the 90s. I had a black cat, pink bunny (easter), and a green sheep. (Weird, I know.)