Hey everyone, I was thinking about cool toys growing up and Giga Pets is definitely up there. While this site is dedicated to 80's/90's toys I think Giga Pets would make a nice addition as there is lots of info about them and they were really popular. They were electronic "pets" (like a game) you could carry around and play with. They were very small, about the size of a large keychain. They were produced by Tiger Electronics. I think they were made and came out after Tamagotchi hit the market.
Here's a page made in 1998 (
http://virtualpet.com/vp/farm/gigapet/gigapet.htm) about the versions. Here's some of the pets from wikipedia:
"The first Giga Pets included the Bit Critter, Compu Kitty, Digital Doggie, and Micro Chimp. Baby T-Rex and Virtual Alien were added shortly after, with Komputer Koala and Floppy Frog following. When Tiger Electronics decided to release a new line of pets, they called them Giga Friends. These included such pets as the Salem the Cat giga pet, Looney Tunes, Giga Farm, and various Star Wars characters, among others."
Here's Compu Kitty:

There's many more and they made special editions based off movies/cartoons. I'll add more to this post later!