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Author Topic: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? (Ided!)  (Read 7312 times)

Offline kiddy2468

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Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? (Ided!)
« on: Thursday 05 July 2012, 09:42 pm »
We have these two fakie ponies that I would like to identify because they are driving me crazy. The first one is kind of older and is pink more of a unicorn I guess with a white horn and has pink and yellow mane hair and plain blue tail hair. It also has wings and three red bows on its sides. It is medium sized and the feet say Made In China. Has been identified as a Pet Star fakie.

The second pony is also medium sized and is purple with bright pink mane and tail hair with a bright green apple and three hearts on its sides. There are no markings on this pony but the eyes are what get to me. They are not painted on but look more like little plastic or glass eyes in place of them and the eyes are purple and kind of blue in a swirl. So can anyone help me out with these two. I would love to post pictures of them but I don't have an account with any of the photo websites. Please help me ID these two.
« Last Edit: Monday 01 October 2012, 06:41 am by kiddy2468 »

Offline Rachel-Eyes

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies?
« Reply #1 on: Friday 06 July 2012, 02:05 am »
Of course since there are no pictures, my mental image may be a bit off, but I will take a stab.  :)

(None of these pictures are mine, btw, just the last one.)

The first one sounds like a Pet Star fakie to me.

It could also easily be a fakie by JaRu, but those tend to be tiny.

The red bow/butterfly/candy/thing seems to be a universal symbol on fakies, so they could also be something else too.

Glass-eyed fakies are also not uncommon, but your description reminds me of a fakie from my own collection- my favorite, actually. I've named her Spiced Cider. The symbol sounds like it might be the same, but mine is bright red. Does it have a rounded face, like a Cabbage Patch-esque pony, and also little raised hearts on the hooves?

These particular fakies are very common, though not a whole lot seems to be known about them. I've been searching for some info myself for quite some time now.

Calling all teddy experts! Please help me find my Cuddle Bear!

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies?
« Reply #2 on: Friday 06 July 2012, 03:05 am »
Okay the first one is correct that is the right pony but the second one isn't.  The face is more smaller and no hearts on the hooves. I also have another one to identify she was mine when I was little and still is. She is yellow with painted-on orange hooves and golden mane and tail hair and just plain painted on eyes. I got her when I was about four or five years old so 1990-1991.

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? ONE OF TWO ID'ED!
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 20 September 2012, 09:31 pm »
Okay so I think I know where the purple one came from. I was at Wal-mart and there these sets that had three ponies that are of course fakie ponies and they were some weird brand but they had the same eyes so I'm guessing that the one pony came from there.

Offline Mysstica

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? ONE OF TWO ID'ED!
« Reply #4 on: Friday 21 September 2012, 01:47 am »
Kid Connection?

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? ONE OF TWO ID'ED!
« Reply #5 on: Friday 21 September 2012, 06:30 am »
YES! That is the brand I was thinking of that is so the second pony's brand.

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? ONE OF TWO ID'ED!
« Reply #6 on: Monday 01 October 2012, 06:39 am »
The second pony is from a line called Pretty Pony Family by Kid Connection I looked it up and the one purple pony looks just like but different markings on the sides.

Offline Dludnerad

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? (Ided!)
« Reply #7 on: Monday 01 October 2012, 01:14 pm »
ponies like this are still available in stores today.
I saw some boxed with dolls under the name 'Fruit Kids'
All of the ponies have different fruit pics on their rumps.

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Can anyone help me identify these two fakie ponies? (Ided!)
« Reply #8 on: Sunday 28 April 2013, 07:09 am »
Okay so two out of two identified:

Pony number one is a Pet Star pony

Pony number two is from Kid Connection