Wow, COOL.
I had no idea that the rabbit's head could turn. I wonder if mine can. Lol, nope, it can't.
Thanks for the photo though

Edit: I asked Mum, and she said she thinks they came from the pound shop, and might be from the puppy/kitty/bunny in my pocket line? So yeah, very cheap toys. Very cheaply made, too. On my mummy rabbit, you can clearly see the line where she was put together. But not any less loveable.
I clearly remember playing with them once when I was a kid. It may even have been the day we got them. We had a green sick bucket in the car, and where either going to, or returning from, somewhere we'd been staying at. I want to say we'd been there overnight, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway, we stopped off somewhere and Mum came back to the car with these rabbits. I think that's how I got them.
ANYWAY, I turned the sick bucket on its side and put the rabbits in, pretending it was their hutch. Then my brother, Tom, said something about not getting sick on them so I took them back out and stopped using it LOL. (Note, the bucket hadn't ACTUALLY been used that trip, or I would never have put them in it.)
But, as often happens to sets, baby rabbits and the carrots aren't with the rest. I'm hoping to find them without much trouble when we start to get stuff down from the loft.