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Author Topic: Need some help with an old kids Fisher Price toy!  (Read 5131 times)

Offline kiddy2468

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Need some help with an old kids Fisher Price toy!
« on: Saturday 24 November 2012, 06:37 am »
Okay we were going through some toys for my 18 month old niece to play with and we came across these strange ones. They are shapes and they are purple, blue, yellow, green, and two different shades of orange in color. They all have holes in the middle of them and they came with these colored sticks one is blue and the other three are red. My mom think that they were my aunts when she was little and she was born in 1972 so around there maybe 1975 or so. So can anyone help me out?

Offline zuse

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Re: Need some help with an old kids Fisher Price toy!
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 24 November 2012, 06:53 pm »
Fisher Price "Creative Blocks". It seems that sometimes they came with a wooden wagon that they could be stored in.

These pieces could be from several sets - probably either 160, 161, 987, 633, 666 (!), 771, 2048, 2690.
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Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Need some help with an old kids Fisher Price toy!
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 29 November 2012, 09:48 pm »
Yes! The Fisher Price Creative Blocks are the one! Thanks so much! It is just the four sticks and the plastic blocks no wagon or anything like that. I'm not even sure if my aunt got them brand-new or not.