Okay, I have no picture of it, so this is from memory. The doll was full plastic, about 12 inches tall, Caucasian with rooted blonde hair (probably blue-eyed). She had a molded pink crown on her head, that you would pump to make her spin (simple crown that was kind of smallish. You'd pull it up and under it, would be a pink pole that would go into the doll's head. Then, you would push it down, and as it went down, she spun. Bring it back up, push it down, you get the picture). She had molded ballet shoes on her feet. She came with a barre and I think a mirror. The doll had articulated arms that you could position via the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Her hands were molded to grip the barre. Her neck turned. Her legs could be posed by the thighs, knees, and ankles (could make her stand on her toes or flat on her feet).
I think this was the outfit the doll came in or something similar because my doll didn't have her feet covered by the leotard:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/MATTEL-LIL-MISS-MAKEUP-DOLL-VINTAGE-/221199493272?pt=US_Dolls_Bears_Toys&hash=item3380846898But, I she had a pink tutu you could put on. I also think she had a purple leotard with a purple tutu you could add or a black leotard with pink legs like the pink one with the optional purple. Then again, maybe not.
I think it was part of a line of dolls in the late 1980s or early 1990s that each could do something. Maybe one skated?
I know the doll is not Dancerella (the crown pumped, you did not twirl a rod in the crown, plus this doll was more articulate). It's not My Pretty Ballerina either. Or Dancerina.
I may be able to get a photo of the doll this summer when I plan to go through storage. I have her somewhere, I'm sure.