Slight update (?):
I was just looking at the other dolls people needed iding and saw this one and it looks like we might be looking for the same line of dolls. The picture she posted loooks like the flowers on the dress I was trying to describe and she also has the flower in the hair. I did a quick search of the doll line she mentioned but I couldn't find the doll I'm looking for but the hair color look like the doll Heather from the Glamour Secrets dolls. So she might be a Creata Glamour Secret doll? Possibly Heather but in a light blue lacy princess type dress?
I need id help on a barbie knockoff from a late 80's or early 90's Montgomery Wards. I know this doll was purchased in Montgomery Wards. I'm thinking the year might have been 1987-1991. I'm guessing it was 1990 but I'm not sure so there are other years that it might have been just in case. I know it was before I got Glitter Beach Ken and that was 1992. Both the Glitter Beach Ken and the knockoff clone barbie I got from my brother when we were younger for Christmas gifts.
The doll doesn't look that might like my drawing but it gives you a little bit of an idea. The dress was a light blue with lace over the entire thing. The top is actually a swim suit I think and the bottom was seperate. I think the straps might have been either light blue satin ribbon or white satin ribbon. There was a red rose embrodery type thing on the top of her swim suit and I think there was one in her hair or maybe her hair tie?
The drawing I did isn't quite her hair color. It's kind of blonde but it is almost a mousey blonde with a little brown in it. Very mousey drab color (well on the doll it is). Her hair was partial put up into a rubberband on the top. Her body I think might have been one of those that twisted sideways possibly. Her head could come off easy and the head knob was just a big plastic round knob. She wore a pearl necklace. I think she wore earrings, possibly had a bracelet but I really can't remember. I think the necklace was white pearls but they could have been clear irredencent pearls. The necklace could be taken off if you took off her head only. I don't think her arms moved. I do not remember if the arms were straight or bent but if I had to guess I think they were straight.
The dress was an A frame style dress/shirt/swimsuit. I think the bottom of the dress might have been fabric with an overlay of lace (the whole outfit was very lacy). There may or may not have lace like in my drawing. I remember there might have been some but if there was it might not have been white it might have been light blue. I don't really remember her shoes but I'm guessing they were either light blue, white, or light pink.
I just want to know what she was. It's bugging me because I didn't think I'd miss this doll yet the fact that I don't even know who she is bugs me so much.
Anybody have any clues who this doll was? Help!
DRAWING- Remember this is from memory so it might not be very acturate because I can't draw what's in my head. Refer to the text above about hair color.