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Author Topic: Caterpillar shaped pencil case  (Read 4248 times)

Offline Dludnerad

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Caterpillar shaped pencil case
« on: Thursday 11 April 2013, 08:18 pm »

These were really popular in the mid 70's in Australia, but I can't remember what they were called. I used to have one when I first started school.

It's a hard plastic container shaped like a caterpillar or worm. You pull the head off and store all your pencils and stuff inside the body. I think they were about a foot long. I had a purple one, but they were also available in pink, yellow, green, blue and orange. Half the class had them sitting on their desks :)

Thought it would be easy to find one on ebay, but so far I'm not having any luck.
Can anyone remember what they were called so I can use the right key words in my search?

