hi all new to forums and wanting to introduce myself later on...
i have a toy group and one of my members just asked what our 5 toys from childhood that we'd like to have again were...
my 6th answer was this crafty toy that was kind of like what a modern scrap booking die cut machine would be like if it was suitable for 80's kids... this thing made a few different types of flower shapes if you put a piece of paper inside the plate and ran it through a thing that reminded me of a pasta machine... the plate was hinged and one side had a serrated edge and the other side had a channel and the plates were all yellow... the machine that you would send them through was pink with a yellow handle...
i believe the set also came with stems and different doo dads (technical term) to collect the cut outs and create paper flowers with stamens and stems and calyx etc...
the plates when closed were about 2.5" wide and 3" tall... the machine was about 5" wide and sat about 2 inches off the ground and was about 1.5" deep
wish i had more info... i would like to replace mine so any help you can give would be great!