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Author Topic: Grandma's Marshmallow Babies  (Read 11134 times)

Offline garagesailor

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Grandma's Marshmallow Babies
« on: Tuesday 18 February 2014, 02:07 pm »
I found an old Playskool insert and it had a few interesting items, so I thought I would scan and share. :)
I have never heard of these, and don't know anything about them other than the short description under the photo:
Check out my Barbie ID Website!

Offline pikapal

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Re: Grandma's Marshmallow Babies
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 18 February 2014, 05:24 pm »
I had one of these as a child. I had the blue one with the braids. They came in a cardboard rocking chair. They retain their smell really well.

Offline luckdragon

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Re: Grandma's Marshmallow Babies
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 18 February 2014, 08:56 pm »
I know these dolls well.  I got one for my birthday when I was probably 4 or 5.


I also got a Dolly Surprise that year.

I slept with my Marshmallow Baby for years.  She ended up with messed up hair, fabric gone from her nose, damaged clothing, ripped back, etc.

I was ecstatic when I found an affordable Marshmallow Baby recently on ebay:
That's my minty doll.  She was as close as I could find to mine, with the same hairstyle and eye type.

But, they are very, very, very RARE and are not usually cheap.

The prototype pictures don't really look like how the dolls looked.

Doll in packaging:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009C0K64O/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller=
« Last Edit: Tuesday 18 February 2014, 09:00 pm by luckdragon »

