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Author Topic: Late 50s, Early 60s baby doll  (Read 4949 times)

Offline jenna4444

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Late 50s, Early 60s baby doll
« on: Friday 04 April 2014, 02:50 pm »
Hi, I know this site it typically for newer toys, but I was wondering if anyone can help identify a baby doll my mom played with when she was a girl.  I don't know a lot of specifics, but she says she played with it when she was very young, so it was from the late 50s or early 60s.  It was a baby doll, and she described it as being a sort of knock-off or imitation of Bye Lo baby.  It most likely was mass produced and very affordable for little girls at the time.  I don't have any pictures, but any help is appreciated!

Offline ForeverKokiri

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Re: Late 50s, Early 60s baby doll
« Reply #1 on: Friday 18 April 2014, 06:44 am »
Hi, Jenna! I collect dolls from the '20s all the way til now. I wish I could help a bit more with your search, but your description is too vague.

The 1950s saw a rising of "supermarket" dolls; that is, cheaper dolls that were more affordable. Most of these were knockoffs of Madame Alexander fashion dolls, though -- not baby dolls! (Think: Betty the Beautiful Bride, Uneeda Dollikins, etc.)

What type of material was the doll? If it was "magic skin" (a stuffed vinyl that unfortunately doesn't age well) then the doll was almost certainly from the 50s.

Did it have kind of an ugly pouty face? I'm getting a weird suspicion that I may have this doll in my bedroom right now...

Offline Dludnerad

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Re: Late 50s, Early 60s baby doll
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 19 April 2014, 08:06 pm »
 "I'm getting a weird suspicion that I may have this doll in my bedroom right now..."

The way you put that feels so creepy... or maybe I've just watched 'Tha Conjuring' too many times


Offline jenna4444

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Re: Late 50s, Early 60s baby doll
« Reply #3 on: Monday 21 April 2014, 02:27 pm »
Dang, I really don't think she had a pouty face, just pretty neutral.  And I'm not sure of her material! 

The only other detail I know for sure is that she came in light skin and dark skin. 

Do you know of any good websites for mid century doll collecting? 

Thanks for your help though!

