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Author Topic: Mattel  (Read 4936 times)

Offline benfam

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« on: Wednesday 29 March 2017, 11:04 am »
I bought a doll today at a second hand store.
To me she looks like one of the Lil Miss from Mattel.
I can see in the shadows she used to have a heart on her cheek.
Normally I can identify these dolls by how their eyes are painted but I'm not too sure with her as she has no stars in her eyes, but the white highlight dots sit at 9,10 and 2 o'clock in her eyes
On her head she has Mattel Inc 1988,1977 Mexico
On her back she has Mattel Inc 1988 Mexico
If I could figure out how to load a photo I would

Offline milkypuppy

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Re: Mattel
« Reply #1 on: Friday 31 March 2017, 06:29 pm »
Hello! You can use an image service such as imgur to upload the photo and then just post that link here.

You can also view this thread which has more information on embedding photos on a post. I hope this helps!
Tinkerbell's Toybox: A Tinkerbell Cosmetic Blog

