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Author Topic: Sky Dancers (1994-2000)  (Read 10701 times)


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Sky Dancers (1994-2000)
« on: Tuesday 21 November 2017, 12:26 am »
I'm trying to gather information on the Sky Dancer line by Galloob (the recalled one) from 1994-2000. It was my favorite toy as a kid, and I'm surprised there's NO collector information anywhere for them!

I haven't been able to collect much information, but this is what I've got so far, and it's 99% on bases. I have pictures saved, but they're all other people's, so I didn't want to put them here for now. (There's no catalog pictures I can find at all)

Giraffe (yellow) (pink? unsure if just washed out picture)
Moon (pink cloud+yellow moon) (purple+white) (pink+white) (white+blue) (green+white) (yellow+white)
Dolphins (purple) (blue) (green) (white) (yellow)
Bouquet (red) (green) (purple) (pink)
Swan+Frog (pink)
Pegasus+Rainbow (white) (yellow)
Castle (pink)
Seahorse (pink+purple coral)

Fairy Flyers:

Horse head (white) (pink) Came with a horse doll
Rabbit carousel (pink body+pink base) (white+pink, this might be an Easter exclusive?) (white+blue) Came with a rabbit doll
Tulip and Hummingbird (purple) Came with a human doll

Magical Flying Carousel- has horse and cat spinner

If anyone knows of any others or has more information please let me know!

Offline lalalei2001

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Re: Sky Dancers (1994-2000)
« Reply #1 on: Friday 24 November 2017, 04:52 am »
I had a Sky Dancer, I think the bottom was purple or pink dolphins and the dancer was Angelica. I know about the cartoon, too, but not much else XD

Offline Sophi_ugh

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Re: Sky Dancers (1994-2000)
« Reply #2 on: Monday 25 December 2017, 01:04 am »
I know of sky dancers with mimes as the launchers, and the sky dancers had painted faces as well. There was a Christmas one and a Halloween one (pumpkin launcher), a wedding set with three different dancers, sets of princesses and princes like Rapunzel and Cinderella, just to name a few I've seen!
anyone selling Happy Ness playsets (lockets or compact) hit me up

Offline Ghost Of The Doll

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Re: Sky Dancers (1994-2000)
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 22 July 2018, 12:24 pm »
I started putting together a section for the original Sky Dancers this week. Considering they were recalled in 2000 for causing injury, there were a lot of them produced over the six year period!
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