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Author Topic: WTB wuvluvs or petsurprise  (Read 6665 times)

Offline deadhutago

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WTB wuvluvs or petsurprise
« on: Wednesday 17 March 2010, 09:43 pm »
i'm looking for a wuvluvs, no matter what color it is and for a petsurprise, the Adult Pups [sitting pose], cat or dog <3 thanks to all, i live in italy

Offline jenniferf82

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Re: WTB wuvluvs or petsurprise
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 18 March 2010, 12:48 am »
There's someone on Ebay who has one for sale.. It looks like they ship to Italy..

I have an extra in the same color, but mine doesn't have the egg.. It does have the baby, just not the plastic egg. They both work, but I don't know how long they'll still work. I have found 6 of them and only 2 that worked so far, so they may break/wear out easily..

Unfortunately shipping to Italy would probably be over $30 cause Wuvluvs are pretty heavy..