Thank you so much! I was ecstatic to see a reply so quickly to this thread!
The guinea pig is actually really adorable in person! He almost looks like a real life hamster from far away.

I'll find out if the bags were clear or blind when my mom gets home. She'd remember better I'm sure since I was just little. I think they were
probably blind bags.. Because when she called the stores to find a replacement they weren't really sure if they had the mouse or not.
I believe they were sold behind the check out counters for about a dollar. Something you could add to your purchases on the way out.
They're hallow inside with a hole on the bottom.. so they're a bit squeezable however they put up a little bit of a fight. (I actually tried to squeeze the husky and he popped out of my hand! Hahaha)
Pig is about 3 inches long from tail to snout and nearly 2 1/2 inches high.
Guinea pig is 2 1/2 inches long and a little under 1 1/2 inches high.
Husky is about 2 3/4 inches long and just short of 2 inches high.
I think the Husky is probably the longest *of the ones I own* however I know the horse is taller than the pig.
I'll try to find a few more of them today.. but we have a few giant storage bins of toys.
(Me and my sister spent all our money on little cheap toys at yard sales as kids!
