Hello there everyone~ I'm hoping to ask for your help in identifying my younger sister's babydolls from her childhood. They are from the 90s, and are Canadian (but they may have been in the US to?). My sister was born in 96 and I believe has had one since that time (We are both to old to remember now). I know they were produced for a few years after that, because we each distinctly remember her clipping a picture of one of her 'dollies' from a toy flyer. I would say she was about three at the time.
These are the dolls. She has a whole hamper full, so I can take many pictures if necessary. The URLs lead to larger pictures.
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/horsiepie761514/DSCF9940.jpgYou may not be able to tell very well from the pictures, but they came in many different patterns, and also two different types of fabric. A flat polyester and a shiny fabric like you might see on a Puffalump kid. They remind me a lot of Puffalumps, actually (But unless anyone can definitively say Puffalumps came with vinyl hands, they are not Puffalumps). I presume they are a knockoff. The faces are a squishy vinyl, while the hands are a hard vinyl. Each doll has a curl of blonde hair that can be brushed at the top of her face under her ruffle, and a soft, disc shaped squeaker somewhere inside her. Some of them have bows across the breast of their rompers (which were prone to falling off), others have lace collars and cuffs (Cheap, scratchy lace), or just lace cuffs on some of the dolls.
The dolls came in two sizes, which are both represented in this picture.
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/horsiepie761514/DSCF9945.jpgAnd here as compared to my hand so you can get a rough size idea.
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/horsiepie761514/DSCF9947.jpgHere is a close up of the face on one of the larger dolls. The face on the smaller one is the same, just smaller.
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/horsiepie761514/DSCF9943.jpgThank you so much for reading my post! Any help you might have in identifying this doll is most appreciated~