I found a good selection of vintage action figures in mid-Feb, including A-Team, Bomberman, Dungeons & Dragons, a Galaxy Warriors shield, Masters Of The Universe, Monster Wrestlers In My Pocket, M.U.S.C.L.E., Star Wars and ThunderCats. I also found vintage Fisher Price, Playmobil figures, Matchbox cars, and Snoopy. Not forgetting Manta Force, Mighty Max, MASK, Butt-Ugly Martians and a couple of Marvel minis!
Modern figures included Action Man, Aladdin, Incredibles, Little Britain, PJ Masks, Playmobil, Skylanders, Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thunderbirds, Toy Story and Twistheads.
Masters Of The Universe
I found “Battle Cat” a good couple of weeks before finding “Skeletor: Battle Armour” and “Two Bad”. Keeping!
- Masters Of The Universe
I found Lion-O along with Skeletor and Two Bad (above), and found S-S-Slithe and Tuska the previous week. Also keeping!
- ThunderCats
I already own B.A. Baracus and Hannibal, but found “Howling Mad” Murdock lurking around the bric-a-brac during mid Feb. Just need to find Face now!
- A-Team
Dungeons & Dragons
“Swamp Thing” is a bit chewed, but still a good find. Not sure on the left figure yet. Keeping.
- Dungeons & Dragons
Star Wars
“Taun Taun” is a bit broken on his right leg, but another great find none the less. Keeping.
- Star Wars
I’m keeping the Snoopy items, but will resell the Toot Toot train and matchbox cars.
- Toot Toot Train
- Snoopy
- Matchbox Cars
Vintage Figures
I’ve never heard of Bomberman before, but they are really cool and look older in style than 1990s (when they were made).
- Bomberman
Yay! Loads more Monster Wresters In My Pocket! Most of these are the free Frosties figures, but some are main line. There is a complete set of cereal figures (8 + Tony), plus several extra. There are even two Monster Sports Stars In My Pocket too.
- Monster Wrestler In My Pocket
I also found a selection of small and tiny figures.
- Manta Force + 3 Unknown Similar
- Mighty Max: Wolfship Figure
- M.U.S.C.L.E.
- MASK “Alex Sector”
- Butt-Ugly Martians
- Marvel “Kraven the Hunter”
- Marvel “Hobgoblin”
- Playmobil Motorbikes
- Playmobil Indians
- Playmobil
- Playmobil Pirates
- Playmobil Figures
Modern Figures
- Toy Story: Talking Sheriff Woody
- Toy Story
- Marvel: Spider-Man Motorized Web-Shooting
- Marvel: Spider-Man
- Action Man
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- The Increbibles
- PJ Masks
- Skylanders
- Twistheads
- Little Britain
Bits and Pieces
- Thunderbirds
- Aladdin
- alaxy Warriors: End Of Time
- Unknown
- Unknown Heads & Helmet
- Unknown Hats
- Unknown Backpack