Figure finds and a few other things from the end of February, including and excellent Powerpuff Girls bag and the missing Thelma figure from my Scooby Doo set.
Other finds include Armoured Killer Croc, Atomicron, Ben 10, Bratz, Catwoman, DC Comics, Doctor Who, Equestria Girls, Fimbles, Fingerlings, Fireman Sam, Incredible Hulk, Lilo & Stitch, Marvel, Miles From Tomorrowland, Minions, Moshi Monsters, Noddy, Paw Patrol, Roblox, Secret Central High, Sesame Street, Simpsons, SlugTerra, Smiggles, Space Voyagers, Star Wars, Transformers, Treasure X Aliens, Ugglys Pet Shop and Zelfs.
Transformers: Construct-Bots
There are a few missing parts to the three wheeled Contruct-Bots, but as all the parts are interchangeable the possibilities are endless for their uses!
- Transformers: Construct-Bots & Cars
This is a neat little playset bundle.
- Atomicron
Action Figures
- Marvel: Armoured Killer Croc
- Marvel: The Incredible Hulk
- Marvel “Dr Octopus”
- DC: Catwoman
- SlugTerra
- Ben 10
- Space Voyagers: AstroSquad “Commander Wolf Perry”
Movie, TV & Other Figures
- Roblox “Korblox Mage”
- Ugglys Pet Shop
- Fingerlings
- Sonic “Tails”
- Lilo & Stitch
- Paw Patrol
- Miles From Tomorrowland
- Fireman Sam
- Noddy
- Fimbles
- Bratz
- Secret Central High
- The Simpsons
I still have a few figures to identify.
- Unknown
- Treasure X Aliens
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Various Unknown Items
Things I am keeping!
- PowerPuff Girls & Moshi Monsters
- Pirate & Smiggles
- DC: Harley Quin
- A Bird
- Equestria Girls
- Scooby Doo
- Sesame Street “Elmo”
- Baby Krishna
- Zelfs
- Star Wars
- Unknown
- Dr Who “Rose”
I’ve turned one into a necklace, shall also keep the prison and pirate and sell the rest.
- Minions