Baby Beans :: Books
"Soft as a baby's bottom!"
Baby Beans were produced by Mattel from 1970-1984. They were soft bodied baby dolls stuffed with polystyrene bean bag balls, and plastic heads. Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world! Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world!
Images on this
page thanks to Etsy sellers grandmothersattic, popity and innerchildbooks, and eBay sellers aurorasjs, marilynsdolls360, lavenderladee and bisdol!
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There were several paper doll books, a colouring book and a sticker book produced featuring some of the dolls from 1971-80.
Colouring & Sticker Books

Paper Dolls
For Sale
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