Baby Beans :: Re-issues by Meritus
"Soft as a baby's bottom!"
Baby Beans were produced by Mattel from 1970-1984. They were soft bodied baby dolls stuffed with polystyrene bean bag balls, and plastic heads. Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world! Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world!
Images on this
page thanks to Etsy seller OnceAgainTreasure, and eBay sellers pugsandkitties*lynne, hotrodrev, vintagedollsandmore, karebearthree, katrinastoys, momsxtracash, americantreasureco, davdiesel, c-s-goodies, redcarousel5, finderskeepers816, paynebecky, ginnette2005, den268, myidq and spedtchr_4life!
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Re-issues :: Meritus
Meritus took over production of Baby Beans from Mattel in 1991, redesigning the dolls and logo.
These look to be the first dolls produced by Meritus, which measured about 10 inches high.

These two dolls must be pre-1997 as they have white labels with no logo.

The Valentine's doll was produced in 1998. The floral doll is most likely from around 1997 as it has the logo on its label.

I found a trademark registered by Meritus in 1992 for Big Kids Beans, which this doll may be one of.

Layette Sets
There were at least two layette sets produced in 1991/92, which included a dressed doll with extra clothing.

Sleepy Beans
Sleepy Beans doll was produced in 1991. She spoke six random sentences when her pet lamb was pulled (by record I presume).

Anniversary Doll
In 1997, Meritus produced a 30th anniversary special Baby Beans doll called "Violet". I don't know if others were produced or what the 30th anniversary (1967) was for as Baby Beans originated in 1970, making them 27 years old in 1997.

Squeaky Baby Beans
I'm not sure of this lines official name or release date. They were about 10 inches high and squeaked when squeezed. I don't know how many were produced.

Clip-On Baby Beans
I'm not sure of this lines official name or release date. They were about 5 inches high with a clip sewn onto their backs. The same head moulds were used for the all other dolls at this size, so there was probably a third clip-on as there were three different head mould.

Teeny Beans
Teeny Beans were produced in 1996-97 and there were at least seventeen different dolls. Unfortunately the packaging doesn't list them all. Each doll measured about 5 inches high. They had brushable hair, plastic heads (all the same mould), plastic hands and fixed plastic shoes. Each doll came with four little accessories.
There were at least five Teeny Beans produced in 1996. They all had rounded window packaging.
- Ballerina
- Princess
- Sailor
- Super Hero
- Toy Soldiers
At least twelve more Teeny Beans were added in 1997. The packaging now had a squarer window.
- Angel
- Baseball
- Beach
- Chef
- Equestrian
- Genie
- Graduate
- Indian
- Matador
- Nurse
- Sorcerer
- Tennis
Nurse, Baseball & Graduate
Sorcerer, Tennis & Equestrian
Beach, Indian & Angel
Chef, Matador & Genie
Teeny Beans - Animals & Insects
There were twelve Teeny Beans produced in 1997 which were dressed as animals, insects or a flower. The measured about 5 inches high with fabric bodies and a choice of three plastic head moulds.

- Babs Bee (no image)
- Breeze Butterfly
- Coco Cow
- Frosty Penguin
- Lady Bug
- Lucky Puppy (no image)
- Melanie Mouse
- Sleepy Bear
- Spring Chick
- Song Bird
- Sunshine Flower (no image)
- Trix Bunny (no image)
Frosty Penguin, Coco Cow & Melanie Mouse
Breeze Butterfly & Song Bird
Lady Bug
Sleepy Bear & Spring Chick
Other Baby Beans
I found two as yet unknown bean related trademarks registered by Meritus, but were probably unproduced.
- Tee Vee Beans - 1998
- Bug A Beans - 1999
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