Bush Baby World

At Home With Mr Frankentigger

FrankenTigger is the most amazing find! I may keep him for my own, at least for a while… I also found Bush Baby World, Clangers, Fingerlings, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Home, Littlest Pet Shop, Mr Men, Pound Puppies, Puppy Surprise, Roland Rat, Silly Slammers, Teenie Beanies, Thomas Little and Zhu Zhu Pets.

Snooping With Zippy

I found a few vintage items again over the past couple of weeks (including Barbie, Furskins, Snoopy & My Little Pony), as well as lots more to add to my shop. My favourite finds out of this lot are definitely the G1 MLP’s, closely followed by Zippy’s head!

The Littlest Handkerchief

I bought a few toys from the charity shop I volunteer in this week (Kitty Kitty Kittens, Shnooks, Furby, Bush Baby World and Snow White), then a load more toys from the one next door (a big bag of Littlest Pet Shop). I also bought a novelty handkerchief laundry shirt thing!