My Little Pony :: Pony Wear (Worldwide)
My Little Pony produced several fashion outfits for the ponies called Pony Wear over production years 2, 3, 4 & 5. There was also doll outfits for Megan.
Images on this page thanks to Moondancer Paradise and many eBay sellers!
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Pony Wear Contents
US Pony Wear
- Pony Wear Y2, Y3 & Y4
- Pony Wear with Jewelry Y3
- Mother & Baby Pony Wear Y3
- Baby Pony Wear with Pocket Pals Y4 & Y5
- Costume Wear Y5
- Play 'n Wear Y5
- Pony Packs Y5
- Pretty Ups Y6
Worldwide Pony Wear
My Little Pony outfits were sold in several countries within Europe and throughout the world, but it is hard to know exactly what collections were sold, where and when. I have placed together as many packaging images as I can find to give an overall view of the outfits and groupings.
There were several other countries where My Little Pony was sold which I have found no specific Pony Wear packaging for.
France ~ Mon Petit Poney "Garde Robe"
The French Pony Ware packaging illustrations were the same as those used in the UK and later US sets (that I have found so far). I've found the equivalent of the UK's Collection 3, but not collections 1, 2 or 4. I've found the Play 'n Wear sets, the same baby sets as were sold in the UK, and the four Pony Packs, but not the jewellery sets or costume sets.
Garde Robe (Wardrobe) ~ Pony Wear
This collection is identical to the UK's Collection 3, using all of the same illustrations. I've not found any of collections 1, 2 or 4.
Five of the six had different names to US and UK.
- Figure Skating (Patinage Artistique) - (adult outfit only from "Snow Angels" Mother & Baby set)
- Five Sets (Cinq-Set) - (aka "Pony Luv")
- Flashdance (Flashdanse) - (aka US "Flashprance")
- Happy Birthday (Joyeux Anniversaire) - (aka US "Party Time")
- Hiking (Randonnée) - (adult outfit only from "Pony Workout" Mother & Baby set)
- Sweet Dreams (Doux Rêves) - (same)
Tenues de Vacances (Holiday) ~ aka Play 'n Wear
These six outfits were just the same as the UK & US version of Play 'n Wear but with different names.
- Hi Buddies! (Salut les Copains!) - (aka "Get Into The Groove")
- Avoriaz - (aka "Hit the Slopes!")
- Sleep In (Grasse matinée) - (aka "Milk 'n Cookies")
- Small Trip (Petit Voyage) - (aka "Pony Holiday")
- Picasso - (aka "Pretty As A Picture")
- Trocadéro - (aka "Sidewalk Surfer")
Garde Robe Mascotte de Bébé Poney (Baby Pony Mascot Wardrobe) ~ aka Baby Pony Wear with Pocket Pals
The same four pairs of baby outfits were sold in France as they were in the UK.
- Clown & Robe - (aka US "Clown & Bathrobe)
- Dragon Suit & Summer Dress - (aka US "Dragon & Sunsuit")
- Quilted Jumpsuit & Dress - (aka US "Jumper & Snowsuit")
- Rabbit & Overalls - (aka US "Bunny & Overalls")
Fashion Accessories ~ aka Pony Packs
All four Pony Packs were sold in France, the same as the US and the UK.
Boîtes à malice (Boxes of Mischief? / Bag of Tricks?) ~ aka Pretty Ups
All four Pretty Ups were sold in France, the same as the US and the UK. The packaging was just the same wherever sold (bar language changes) and the same design was used for each set.
- Birds & Flowers
- Kittens & Teddies (Chaton / Kitten)
- Ribbons & Lace (Rubans de Fete / Party Ribbons)
- Seashore (Sirene / Mermaid)
Germany ~ Mein Kleines Pony "Ponykleidung"
I've only come across one German pony wear packaging image, but suspect they may have had a similar range to the UK.
Ponykleidung sort 3 (Ponyclothing)
This set looks to have used all of the same illustrations as the UK "Collection 3". It was even numbered the same.
Spain ~ Mi Pequeno Pony "Conjuntos para vestir"
I've found three collections so far but there were no doubt more released.
There was a different set of four outfits grouped together in 1984 which including one Spanish exclusive and three very similar sets to those of the US (but not identical). The front illustrations were similar to the US etc. but again, not identical due to the differences in the outfits.
- Disco - Spanish exclusive
- Gala Real ("Royal Gala") - Similar to US "Pony Royal", but not the same
- Patinaje ("Skating") - Similar to US "Great Skates", but not the same
- Dulces Sueños ("Sweet Dreams") - Similar to US "Sweet Dreams", but not the same
Disco | Gala Real |
Patinaje | Dulces Sueños |
These illustrations were the same as in the UK on the front, but had it's own illustration on the back as there were only three outfits in the collection. The outfits were identical to the US/UK.
Aerobic | Cumpleanos | Tenis |
Pony Haarschmuck (Pony Hair Accessories) ~ aka Pretty Ups
All four Pretty Ups were sold in Germany, the same as the US and the UK. The packaging was just the same wherever sold (bar language changes) and the same design was used for each set.
- Birds & Flowers
- Kittens & Teddies
- Ribbons & Lace
- Seashore (Meeresküste / Seashore)
Italy ~ Mio Mini Pony
Italian packaging illustrations were different from everywhere else. I've found two collections.
Pony Look ~ "Wonderful outfits for all the social and sporting occasions of your favourite My Little Pony."
There were eight outfits shown on the back packaging, taken from various US groups. I have also found two more.
Four outfits were from the very first set released in the US (Year 2).
- Best of the West ~ Rodeo del West (Rodeo of the West)
- Great Skates ~ Artistico Pattinaggio (Artistic Skating)
- Pony Royal ~ Ballo a Corte (Court Dance)
- Sweet Dreams ~ Sogni D'Oro (Sweet Dreams)
It also included all four outfits from the following years collection (Year 3).
- Flashprance ~ Flash Dance
- Party Time ~ Buon Compleanno (Happy Birthday)
- Pom Pom Pony ~ Pom Pom Pony
- Pony Luv ~ Torneo di Tennis (Tennis Tournament)
The front packaging illustration was the same for each outfit.
Flashprance |
Party Time | Pony Luv |
I've also found two of the four outfits from the following year again (Year 4). These two outfits were sold in the same packaging as above so I don't know what other outfits may have been released.
- City Kids
- Neon Lights
City Kids | Neon Lights |
1986 (Mother & Baby Wear)
The top left corner says "Colleziona gli eleganti completini degli zii e nipotini!", which Google translates to "Collect the elegant outfits of the uncles and grandchildren!"
All six of the US Mother & Baby Wear outfits were sold in Italy.
- Pony Workout ~ Corsa nel Parco (Travel in the Park)
- Prima Ballerina ~ Prime Donne (Prima Donna)
- Ready for Rainbows ~ Sotto la Pioggia (Under the Rain)
- Snow Angels ~ Pattinaggio Artistico (Figure Skating)
- Sun & Fun ~ Al Sole (In The Sun)
- Sunday Stroll ~ Passeggiata nel Parco (Walk in the Park)
Pony Workout | Prima Ballerina | Ready for Rainbows |
Snow Angels | Sun & Fun | Sunday Stroll |
Argentina ~ Mi Pequeno Pony "Trapitos"
There were ten adult outfits produced (according to mylittlewiki), taken from various US collections. They were produced by Hasbro in conjunction with Tops Toys.
Four outfits were from the very first set released in the US (Year 2), just like Italy.
- Best of the West (La mejor del Oeste / Best of the West)
- Great Skates (Patinadora / Skater)
- Pony Royal (Reina / Queen)
- Sweet Dreams (Dulces Sueños / Sweet Dreams)
It also included all four outfits from the following years collection (Year 3), again just like Italy.
- Flashprance (Flashprance)
- Party Time (Cumpleaños / Birthday)
- Pom Pom Pony (Bastonera)
- Pony Luv (Tenista / Tennis Player)
There were also two other outfits from two different collections.
- Fun Run (?) - Year 4 adult outfit from "Pony Workout", Mother & Baby Wear (same as sold in UK)
- Strike Up the Band (? ) - Year 4 Pony Wear
The adult pony outfits all came on the same illustrated packaging.
Fun Run | Party Time | Strike Up The Band |
Back packaging had a photo of Pretty Parlour rather than the outfits.
There were three individual baby outfits dated 1984, taken from Pocket Pals (pals were included). The elephant suit sold was green, but the back packaging illustration showed it in its original pink colour. The front packaging illustration was of "Jumper & Snowsuit", not sold in Argentina.
- Bunny Suit (Conejo /Rabbit)
- Dragon Suit (Dragón / Dragon)
- Elephant Suit (Elefante / Elephant)
Bunny Suit | Dragon Suit | Elephant Suit |
There were fourteen outfits sold in Greece taken from various sets. I've identified eight as those from the US, three which are similar to outfits but in different colours, and three which may have been exclusive to Greece. It's quite hard to tell! They came boxed rather than in blister packs.
Left to right, top to bottom, the names translate to:
- Walking - (aka "The Tea Party")
- Skating - (aka "Great Skates")
- Bride - (aka "Something Old - Something New")
- Princess - (aka "Pony Royal")
- Silver - (nothing similar)
- Tennis - (aka "Pony Luv")
- Wintry Weather - (adult outfit only from "Snow Angels" Mother & Baby set)
- Rain - (adult outfit only from "Ready for Rainbows" Mother & Baby set)
- Celebrate - (aka "Party Time")
- Jogging - (similar to "Pony Workout")
- Gold - (nothing similar)
- Cutie - (similar to UK "Bedtime Outfit")
- Cutie - (similar to "Sweet Dreams")
- Ballerina - (nothing similar)
Back packaging included this image:
This is a leaflet image.
Canada ~ Ma Petite Pouliche "Pouliche Chic"
I know for sure that the first four sets of Baby Ponies with Pocket Pals and all sets of Megan and Pony wear were sold in Cananda, and possibly Pretty Ups. I have yet to find packaging or references to any other sets.
Canadian Pony Wear packaging was in both English and French, but otherwise the same as the US.
Brazil ~ Meu Querido Ponei "Circo de Cavalinhos"
I don't know much about the Mexican pony wear as yet.
For Sale
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