Including various items relating to bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms, as well as decorating, electrical goods, DIY, finance and stationary. Below are the brands and products in this category.
“America’s Finest Silverplate” These celebrity endorsed ads for 1847 Rogers Bros cutlery date from 1939-45.
“Okay, Akai.” These three ads are from a triple page spread for Akai CD players, receivers and video players, dating from 1986.
“The wonder flame that cools as well as heats!” These illustrated ads for American Gas Association date from 1941-47.
“Exciting as a night on the town…” These ads for AMi jukeboxes date from 1960-64.
“”Money only you can spend.” These illustrated ads for Bank America travellers cheques date from 1960. They were all long half-page ads with tri-colour block prints of various worldwide destination by an unknown artist.
“Campus tested! Campus approved!”These ads for Bates bedding and matching draperies are from 1941-49.
Following on from my post about 1980’s character nightwear, I decided to look into character bedding. These images are from various US Christmas catalogues dating from 1974-86.
“A new experience in “360” high-fidelity.” These Columbia “listening in depth” ads date from 1957-58.
“In the mood of yesterday, today and tomorrow, in colours to blend with a mood, to accent a quite scene.”
Columbia Minerva knitting leaflets for various gifts household items, including rugs, toys and cushions. They date from 1971-77.
“Contain yourself!” These colourful adverts for Contain Wares date from 1986-89.
“Buy the paint that’s worth the work… the beauty lasts!”These super adverts for Du Pont paints date from 1958-59.
“You live better electrically.” These Gold Medallion Home ads are from 1965-67. Look how happy electricity makes them!
“Go Go Go Gold Seal” These fantastic collage ads for Every Ready “Gold Seal” batteries date from 1985-86.
“How would YOU answer the $64 question” These ads for Eversharp pens and repeater pencils date from 1943-46.
“Man, that’s not the work for a lovely wife!” These ads for “Automatic Coal Burners” by Fairbanks-Morse date from 1941.
“Comfort-Conditioned Homes!” These ads for Fiberglas insulation, screening, and panelling by Owns-Corning date from 1957-60.
“Frigidaire announces space age refrigeration!” These futuristic, sci-fi inspired Frigidaire ads are from 1966. They all feature sixties clad models wearing bubble space helmets (or possibly fish bowls).
“No one lets you experience the Power of Music like General Electric.” These General Electric portable cassette player and hi-fi ads date from 1985-86. Red-Hot-Power!
“Are Bulbsnatchers people?” These ads for G.E Lamps, produced by General Electric, date from 1946-47 and featured different celebrities of the time “bulbsnatching”!
“The nicest things happen when you choose Gold Seal.” These ads for Gold Seal linoleum flooring are from 1952-57.
Build This Patio Appliance Centre These are my favourite DIY and home improvement projects from various 1969-1975 editions of Popular Mechanic magazine.
This Ilford Films photo wallet is from the 1950’s.
“And now! Fabulous “Foodarama” by Kelvinator!” These ads for Kelvinator’s “Foodarama” fridge/freezer are from 1955-59.
“Kitchens of tomorrow may look like this!”This article is from a 1943 edition of Life magazine.
“Another Electric-Eye!”These Kodak camera adverts are from 1961. Each ad has a close-up of a person using a camera, with the action going on behind them.
“FFS holds prices down!” This Kodacolor film developing envelope by Free Film Service is from the early 1970’s.
“A beautiful way to relax.” These are my favourite ads for La-Z-Boy chairs, dating from 1971-76.
Bananas wearing zebra print bikinis, koala cheerleaders, kittens with rainbow coloured angel wings and ice cream sundae’s in space? It can only be Lisa Frank!
“More woofers than Battersea dogs home.” This illustrated ad campaign for various Philips CD/cassette players is from 1986-87.
“Four approaches to beauty and comfort.” These very 1970’s interior design delights are from a 1977 Ebony magazine article which featured four different apartments.
“C is for Cat…and so is Puss ‘n Boots”These ads for Puss ‘n Boots cat food date from 1947-48, with illustrations by Feodor Rojankovsky.
These fun Italian adverts for Texas Instruments are both from 1990. I don’t remember maths being so cool!
“We help around the home.”
These ads for various Rubbermaid household storage items date from 1977-79.
“Write with Schneider.”
This German Schneider pen paper bag in from the 1970’s.
In 1957-59, Soft-Weve (by Scott) produced some beautiful fairytale style adverts for their toilet tissue. Featuring glamorous ladies wearing dresses specially designed to match the colourful toilet rolls they so decorously caress, it is easy to forget just what is being advertised!
Ahh. Memories of scratch n’ sniff stickers! Here are a selection of sticker adverts from 1984-87. I now feel like covering everything in sight in technicolour, scented stickers!
“Hunt through this and the next three pages for the animal look.” Found in the 1969 Sears Christmas Catalogue, this delightfully understated range of safari chic. Check out the Zebra telephone!
“A slight improvement on perfection.” These Technics CD and cassette player ads date from 1980-86. They are all very sci-fi with dark backgrounds, moonscapes, lasers and grids.
“The Kleenex Boutique Collection is in… and bathroom tissue has gone glorious. Gone honest-to-Kleenex soft!” Kleenex Boutique was produced from the late 1960’s to the early 1980’s. Bold colours and crazy paisley toilet paper and tissues, perfect to colour co-ordinate with your furry toilet seat cover!
“This deck is loaded.” These little b/w Toshiba cassette player ads date from 1983-87. Auto-reverse. Twin deck. Graphic equalizers. Anti-roll. What more could you want?
“It’s like wearing magic gloves!” These ads for Underwood “Golden Touch” typewriters date from 1956-58.
“All music sounds better on a Webcor.” These Webcor ads for their high fidelity fonografs and tape recorders date from 1956-58.
“Big Ben’s family name is Westclox.” These ads for Westclox clocks date from 1967-68.
“To a man’s heart through his hide!” These ads for the Westinghouse “Laundromat” washing machine date from 1944-45.
“Every house needs Westinghouse!” These style of ad campaign for various Westinghouse kitchen electricals date from 1946-49.
“For better sight use better light!” These black and white illustrated ads for Mazda Lamps, produced by Westinghouse, date from 1941-42. Unfortunately the artist/artists didn’t sign them so I don’t know who they are by.
“A pencil case can only take so much!” This ad for various WHSmith stationary dates from 1988.
“Thrill to the tone and beauty!” These illustrated Wurlitzer jukebox ads date from 1947-48, with artwork by Albert Dorne.